Serious IAP problems

epicstagepicstag PRO Posts: 132
I'm not a noob. I have an app in the store, that get's IAP's purchased every day.

However, my latest app refuses to be able to test in adhoc mode, and returns the error "Product identifier was not recognized". I've done the following:

Created a provisioning profile with a developer certificate. I've added it to xcode, and itunes.
Ensured that the prov. profiles have the same bundle ID as the app in itunes connect.
Set up my in apps and activated them in the app details on itc.
Ensured that the product id in Gamesalad matches the product id in itc exactly.
Ensured that I am signing with the ad hoc profile.

There used to be a checkbox on the Publishing page for ad hoc builds. What happened to that? Is it supposed to be gone?

Whatever though, as far as I see it, I'm doing everything right here and I need some help. It's really fucking me off.

2nd set of eyes please.


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