Two items set to "not movable" can't recognize collision/overlap?

AdventuregoatAdventuregoat Member Posts: 10
edited February 2013 in Tech Support

Still loving GS very much!

I have followed directions to make an item so it can be dragged and dropped. My next goal was to make it so that you can drag an item on top of another item, and have an attribute change.

This seemed simple enough. Piece of cake! One of the items would just recognize the overlap as well as the press/key release and bingo! Done!

Only it didn't work. And it appears to be because both items are set to "not moveable" in the physics options. They are set to non movable because they are menu items that need to stay put on a layer while the screen scrolls. But still be draggable when needed.

I found a work around, but it's going to pile up the extra work.

Am I right to say that two items- both set to "not move", cannot recognize overlap/collision with each other?

As a test, I made the draggable item movable. It fell to the ground, but I was able to grab it and drop it on top of the other item and successfully change the desired attribute. This was not my solution, but it told me that it must be a conflict with the moveable option.

Like I said, I did end up finding a work around, but if there is a simple solution I am overlooking, I would love to hear it :)



  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited February 2013
    Am I right to say that two items- both set to "not move", cannot recognize overlap/collision with each other?
    Yes, for collisions to be detected 'movable' needs to be switched on.
  • AdventuregoatAdventuregoat Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2013
    Thank you :) Good to know. Glad I found a work-around.

    Seems to work as long as one of the items is set to 'movable'.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Yes only one needs to have movable set.

  • AdventuregoatAdventuregoat Member Posts: 10
    Thanks! :)
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