¿Someone can sell me a proyect in gamesalad of Sudoku, tetris?

marchantemarchante Member Posts: 5
I will like to have between 8 and 40 simple games

Best Answers

  • jamie_cjamie_c ImagineLabs.rocks Posts: 5,772
    Accepted Answer
    Simple game play does not necessarily mean simple to create... :)
  • RPRP Posts: 1,990
    Accepted Answer
    3 card monte, Shells and nut game, rock paper scissors, guess which hand....no matter how simple they seem, what it takes to make these simplistic entertainment pieces work requires a lot more foundation that you think. Sudoku and Tetris are going to be a mountain of non-simplistic backend logic.

    So how about 40 different pull my finger, sound and fart apps instead?

  • wirelesstkdwirelesstkd Posts: 75
    edited February 2013 Accepted Answer
    These guys have some full games completed. See if they fit your needs:


    EDIT: It looks like those games don't include the artwork, so you'll still need to have someone put new artwork (probably with a new theme, as well) in place. But it's a start.
  • bluelotusbluelotus Posts: 96
    Accepted Answer
    I have made a sudoku game that functions well. Are you still looking for this?
  • tatiangtatiang Posts: 11,949
    Accepted Answer
    @marchante You have one person who recommended templates for sale and another person who created a Sudoku game that you could possibly buy. If you are purchasing from an individual, you need to contact her/him by email or private message (PM).

    You haven't given any other details about what you want so... is there something else you need?

    I personally would make you a Tetris game for $2500, graphics and sounds not included. Feel free to send me a private message (PM) if you're interested.

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