My First Game - Bowl of Life
Click here for Bowl of Life in the app store.
I've been putting this off, but I'm going to post up my first game. It's the first thing I've ever done in GameSalad and it was originally a bit more of an experiment to see what I could do than intended to be an actual 'game', but I enjoyed playing it so I went ahead and turned it into something playable. I really like life sims, though, so I don't know if it's actually interesting for anyone else.
So, this is basically an artificial life simulator. There are "cells", viruses and a predator. The cells run around living their lives and most of the time you simply sit around and watch them. They will eat, hide and breed. The colored cells breed with like colors, and the non-colored cells will breed with any color. Occasionally they will lay a brown egg that hatches a "bad seed". The bad seeds are larger than regular cells and take up more resources. They also will lay black eggs that spawn viruses if the virus spawning button is green. The "predator" is another cell that lives in a den to the side of the map. When it gets hungry it comes out and hunts down the other cells. Since they don't do anything other than get in the way and cause problems, it becomes useful to feed the bad seeds to the predator.
I'm working on a few things now, like how to save and adding virus defenses to the cells, but would love any feedback that isn't just flame. I'm still very new to this.

Click here for Bowl of Life in the app store.
I've been putting this off, but I'm going to post up my first game. It's the first thing I've ever done in GameSalad and it was originally a bit more of an experiment to see what I could do than intended to be an actual 'game', but I enjoyed playing it so I went ahead and turned it into something playable. I really like life sims, though, so I don't know if it's actually interesting for anyone else.
So, this is basically an artificial life simulator. There are "cells", viruses and a predator. The cells run around living their lives and most of the time you simply sit around and watch them. They will eat, hide and breed. The colored cells breed with like colors, and the non-colored cells will breed with any color. Occasionally they will lay a brown egg that hatches a "bad seed". The bad seeds are larger than regular cells and take up more resources. They also will lay black eggs that spawn viruses if the virus spawning button is green. The "predator" is another cell that lives in a den to the side of the map. When it gets hungry it comes out and hunts down the other cells. Since they don't do anything other than get in the way and cause problems, it becomes useful to feed the bad seeds to the predator.
I'm working on a few things now, like how to save and adding virus defenses to the cells, but would love any feedback that isn't just flame. I'm still very new to this.

Click here for Bowl of Life in the app store.