Nice. Little suggestion- i'd bleep out the curses. Not because i'm about censorship. But because it actually makes it funnier. Curse words tend to lose their shock value when you used. Bleeping them actually makes the character appear like a loveable potty mouth. Look at south park. In some ways the bleeping actually makes it funnier. The curse word reads more as a simple statement. Bleeping actually reads as character. I'd bleep out the F and the GOD portion of damn. As a matter of fact i'd even add more bleeps if you can. Just a suggestion.
This is not for commercial use. This was the sneak peak of the game that we delivered to the Pro forums a couple months back. It's strictly for this audience. Yes, bleeping is just as fun and is one the the things I love about Conker's Bad Fur Day.
If Pucky retains his loose lips (which is his character), censorship will certainly have to be creatively inserted in order to reach a wider audience. As it stands so far, he's going to be offering the in game instructions.
I love the cursing. I'm Canadian, so you can't really have hockey without cursing. And apparently drinking and rioting these days. And of course, striking. But that's another game!
It looks like great fun, looking forward to the release. Good luck!
Edit: I also have to say I appreciate that this puck takes a stand against guns in his hockey game. If this puck was running for office, I would absolutely vote for it.
@FryingBaconStudios - I believe that. I can tell that Pucky is a puck who has seen it all. He's an adorable character. He should be in a Scorsese film.
Yeah, we would not want his little puck-head to get swollen with delusions grandeur....wait, to late. That little guy has pair with more brass than a door knob factory.
@rp conker was great! And yeah i'm not concerned with commercial use or not. Just a suggestion on making the joke land funnier with bleeps.
It was a very good suggestion. In fact Fry implemented it into a new cut to share on the FB page. I did not think we'd use this one outside the GameSalad community but enough people seem to like this Pucky edition.
@jonapp everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect that. Does it hurt my feelings? No, I've got thick skin. But just to set the record straight this is @RP's game too so if you want to slam me personally have at it but to tarnish him because you don't like me, not cool. I'm all for people taking their shots at me but leave my partner out of it.
Wow. Are we in grade school here? I'm going to recess to get some fresh air.... :-O
I dunno why, but my spidey senses say: Sock puppet.
BTW, stating that you are intentionally going to rate an app one star out of spite, is totally speaks for itself. THIS type of behavior needs some intervention.
Um my partner doesn't care either but I did right by him on the matter. I only speak the truth around he and don't go out of my way to insult people personally. If I am guilty of anything it's calling people on their BS and trying to take advantage of this forum for that I'm guilty as charged. I see somewhere in the past our paths must have crossed as I checked and don't see me posting in any of your threads. I suspect you are someone with another user name and started another one but this is just a guess on my part but I'll ask a sous to check your IP against a few of my guesses and see if my hunch is right but maybe I'm wrong. But in the long run, I really don't care. If you have examples of my posts you are referring to send them to SSS and he can determine if I have violated any code of conduct. I have no fear of being judged by my peers and superiors.
@JonApp If you seriously think for an instant that this effects our partnership in any way, shape or form, you are sadly mistaken. In fact I am having a hearty laugh over this debacle. )
Stir'n with a supersize spoon. Sorry, I'm not eating what the cook is trying to serve (smells bad!).
I think I've said all I have to say on this one. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show! <:-P
I hope someone got a screne grab on that. Those posts are now edited with an opposite response and oddly already agreed on one. No more shenanigans please.
@RP the convo has been taken up with him and FryingBaconStudio and me, but i am stuck in the middle. And the agreed was by me by mistake, I tried pressing message but click insightful. And once you choose something you can't undo it so I changed it to agree because it wasn't insightful.
@RP the convo has been taken up with him and FryingBaconStudio and me, but i am stuck in the middle. And the agreed was by me by mistake, I tried pressing message but click insightful. And once you choose something you can't undo it so I changed it to agree because it wasn't insightful.
How's the game going?
Thanks, no worries. Putting all that in the past and moving forward.
It's cooking along nicely. We are looking at delivering a beta in the next couple of weeks.
I just want to say Jonapp made a formal apology and regrets trashing the thread. I'll have sous clean up this tragic scene. A good reminder that bitterness and anger are not good for the human soul. I've been told he is a young guy and hey I was young once too so I get it.
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This is not for commercial use. This was the sneak peak of the game that we delivered to the Pro forums a couple months back. It's strictly for this audience. Yes, bleeping is just as fun and is one the the things I love about Conker's Bad Fur Day.
If Pucky retains his loose lips (which is his character), censorship will certainly have to be creatively inserted in order to reach a wider audience. As it stands so far, he's going to be offering the in game instructions.
It looks like great fun, looking forward to the release. Good luck!
Edit: I also have to say I appreciate that this puck takes a stand against guns in his hockey game. If this puck was running for office, I would absolutely vote for it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Edit: There you go - Joe Pucki!
It was a very good suggestion. In fact Fry implemented it into a new cut to share on the FB page. I did not think we'd use this one outside the GameSalad community but enough people seem to like this Pucky edition.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Lump Apps and My Assets
I can't believe the words are coming out of my mouth ....... But I gotta agree with @JonApp here........
.......... The trailer was well done.
All the best with it all.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I dunno why, but my spidey senses say: Sock puppet.
BTW, stating that you are intentionally going to rate an app one star out of spite, is totally speaks for itself. THIS type of behavior needs some intervention.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Stir'n with a supersize spoon. Sorry, I'm not eating what the cook is trying to serve (smells bad!).
I think I've said all I have to say on this one. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the show!
How's the game going?
Lump Apps and My Assets
It's cooking along nicely. We are looking at delivering a beta in the next couple of weeks.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS