GameSalad crashes down

ApexApex Member, PRO Posts: 56
edited January 2013 in Tech Support

My project has 4 scenes. I've added new scene to make multiscreen menu(followed tutorial of GameSaladCookBook on youtube). Screen slided well, then I've saved my project.

After somee time, I've opened this project again. When I chose to edit this 5th scene, GS crashes down.

Question: What The F..*cough*,*cough*. I mean, why this is happening.

I have Windows version

Best Answer

  • mrpacogpmrpacogp Posts: 400
    edited January 2013 Accepted Answer
    Maybe you need to rewritte all the project or try to delete the last modify.

    Sometimes gs breaks for alot of thinks.

    My last problem was when i have saved a custom rules. When i put it on a new actor that custom rules, gs breaks, i have with that problem alot of days, and finally return to work.

    Dont know why but in next revisions maybe its solved.
    Other people have another problem, when you delete an image, dont work or deleted another, or import an image and you cant see that, you have to closed gamesalad, reopen, and then works!


  • mrpacogpmrpacogp Member Posts: 400
    I have same issue sometimes on mac versión.
    I closed all my projects, and copy a new versión.
    Restart computer and start working with the recent copy and no more crashes.
    I dont know a better solution.
  • ApexApex Member, PRO Posts: 56
    Still does not work.
  • ApexApex Member, PRO Posts: 56
    I think it happens when I create new scene
  • ApexApex Member, PRO Posts: 56
    Again. I've loaded backup copy project, recreated this scene. When I save, and restart it and chose this following scene, GS crashes down.

    But if I press preview. All scenes works properly, but when I chose new added scene it does not listen my commands. Then I go back to editor mode and chose this scene, it does not crash, but it is not viewing scene, only my static actors that are standing nowhere.

    I'm sorry, but this is disappointing!
  • ApexApex Member, PRO Posts: 56
    OK :-w

    I will use backups without this scene. I dont want to rewrite whloe project, code is too big. This breaking problem is very annoying. I can't create menu scene because of that
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Yes. The biggest lesson I learned when i was working on my first app. BUY A COOKING TIMER AND SET IF FOR 5 MINUTES. Everytime it goes off. Save your current progress as "MYcoolapp1 ans reset the timer.5 minutes later save and rename "MYcoolapp2" reset timer. Rinse and repeat. you will save yourself sooooo much time and sooooo much headache and anger. Oh and you wont feel compelled to find SaladStraightShooters home address and hunt him down with a axe as often hahahaha.
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