HTML5 Game Not Loading - Need Help!

yaaqubyaaqub Member Posts: 2
Hello Gang! The HTML5 version of my game is not loading in the arcade. I was able to load this and embed it earlier, but since the past week or so, it is getting stuck at around 75% and not loading fully. Please see the screenshot below:

Here is the link to the game:

Here is some additional analysis I did:

1. I tried to upload an earlier version of the game that was loading and working properly, just to see if any changes or resizing would have caused this - even the earlier version didn't load....(it doesn't load fully - same problem as above)

2. Here is the link to the earlier working version of the game that gets loaded successfully (this was published about 3 weeks ago):

Can you please help?

Thanks a bunch in advance!


  • KatinKatin PRO Posts: 8
    Yaaqub did you ever find a solution to this? I am also having this problem.
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