An idea about helping one another out...

gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
Pretty sure this idea is not unique. But i thought id throw it out there as a discussion point.
I think it would be phenomenal to help fellow gs community members out. For instance i have a section in my game that could easily be a place where other gs games could be advertised. For the time being i'll (working title) call it "other great games"
How i see this working:
1- search out gs community members with games you personally love and connect with.
2- ask them if they would want to own a spot inside your game somewhere. In return, would they like to include your game in theres.
3- thats pretty much it. Links to getting other gs games from your game. A form of self helping advertising with folks you believe in.

Now obviously this may cause some problems because it may create hurt feelings. Those who want to jump onto a quality game and be denied access. But ultimately i do like the idea of the little guys helping out other little guys. We're all in this together.
I for one wouldn't be stressed if someone said that my game wasnt a good fit to be advertised in theirs. Thats the nature of the beast. If anything it would only make me want to deliver a better product.

Again this is merely a conversation piece and not necessarily a suggestion. Im curious to see what you all think?
Ive just been so blown away by some of the games youve all made that i think it would be wonderful if we all tried to help one another out.
I think the games you select to be in your own, should be of the highest quality and ambition.
I know that i would look forward to trying to make my game deserving of each and every one of your games. Is it possible? Probably not. But i think that inspiration to do so, can only make our games that much stronger. To be respected by your peers.


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    I think it's a nice idea and might work out for some people. I suspect though, that you'll have a hard time finding a good fit. As you mentioned, the quality of the games has to match at some level, but I think also the category. If you're playing a Boggle-type word game and up pops an ad for "Demon Slayer II," you might be a little put-off as a player.

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  • Alembic_SoftworksAlembic_Softworks Member Posts: 114
    @anatomyofdreams: I think it's a really nice idea too, and maybe as Tatiang said it would be difficult to implement in terms of targeting the game ads to the intended audience. That being said, I've played many app games where they advertise games that are totally incongruent with the one I'm actually playing. We should totally brainstorm on this idea on a regular basis in Marketing Theory - how can we 1) promote indie games, 2) promote GS and strengthen the indie network, etc. I like how you think though, let's keep promotion on the front burner :)
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @tatiang and @alembic_softworks i'm happy you like the direction. Just to be clear the idea i had was not to have pop up ads. Merely a section in the game where you can check out other peoples games. So it would allow me to choose whom i want to potentially grab as a candidate. And vice versa.
    Now of course this isn't about MY idea. I'm happy you're taking it, molding it, adding to it, etc. Thats exactly the goal. To get us all thinking of different methods to help one another out. I'm hopeful that this conversation can get people thinking of new and exciting ways to promote each others work. Work that we believe in.
    Don't be surprised in the coming months if i ask some of you, if it would be okay if i feature your game in mine. Whether you want to return the "gesture" or not is up to you. But there just is some incredible work out there and i'd like to do my part in helping others along. Hopefully others will feel the same way about my game. We'll see.
    Anyways i'd love to see other peoples comments and suggestions as well. Its not a perfect idea- which is why it needs all of you to shape it into something that works for a larger body of people. Anyways i love this forum and i think all of you are incredibly talented. Thanks for making this such a rewarding community!
  • Alembic_SoftworksAlembic_Softworks Member Posts: 114
    @anatomyofdreams - I'm down with that, I would be happy to mention your game as well when I get mine published. I'm happy to mention anyone's game on here, I want to support my fellow developers. I agree with you - we have to look out for each other, nobody is going to hand us our success, we don't have the luxury that the big game studios have of splurging on huge ads and such. I haven't been on the forums that long but from what I see I think everyone here's pretty serious about making good game experiences - so I have no problem promoting that in any way I can. I firmly believe in the indie community, and I'm hoping that I can pass along whatever help I can in promoting the products you guys are making.
  • ElfizmElfizm Member Posts: 489
    I had a similar idea in which I would have an area where banner ads could be but instead replace it with my own actors. Then ask for people to send in a banner ad for thier game and I would then ad it and include a link if clicked. Then cycle through a couple of ads every x seconds. This way the ads are being there the whole time whether or not wifi is connected. And it supports the GS community.

    I also though if people didn't mind not having a link i could include them under the iAds section. This way it gets shown if iAds are not shown.
    So yeah I would be keen but again there is the need to exclude some games whether they not be suited or of quailiry to be advertised.
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @elfizm i believe i recall that older post of yours! Probably inspired me to revisit your idea and or modify it slightly. But yeah thats a great idea. Perhaps in the end there will be lots of different ways of doing this. For me, personally, i like the idea of a section of the game devoted to other games instead of banners. Heres why- people hate ads. Ads generally subconsciously or consciously equate to negative feelings. By having a section in your game that features other games (or friends of your game)- i believe it makes it more inviting. If an audience takes a liking to their game developer, they may be more inclined to listen to their opinions of other great games. Anyways in the end i dont think theres a bad way to do this. I think each game and its designer will have to come up with their own unique way of showcasing other peoples games. Unfortunately this will exclude some designers if their game isnt any good and or if its tone doesnt fit your game (i.e. youve made a kids game and the game you want to feature is called "Death cult 2000")
  • ElfizmElfizm Member Posts: 489
    Although having a special section for "other" games, sometimes it doesn't work out or they don't want to recommened these games if it isn't theirs but are only willing to do banners. Was just throwing out an option.
    I think you do need to start thinking if your planning to go a head it needs to be free service or a paid service because what if an app has 10000 downloads and another app 100k so most people want to go the bigger one. So either the people who don't get chosen "take it like a man" or start charging.
    Just some valid points that should be viewed. Sent you PM btw
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @elfizm totally agree with you. I think a banner idea is a good idea. I think there's going to be a few different ways to do this. As far as everyone racing to the high selling app, i agree, thats going to be tricky. But i also think that promotes the idea of bettering ones own ideas. Becoming more driven to make a game "worthy" of the addition. So all good points you've made there. For me personally, i wouldnt be looking for the top grossing app. I'd be looking for the one that has given me the most impact. The one i connect to the most. But thats just me. Clearly there are going to be many who only want to best serve their game by going to the top dog.
  • Alembic_SoftworksAlembic_Softworks Member Posts: 114
    I like the banner idea too. I like them better than splash screens for some reason and I click on buttons/links to other games within a game maybe 40 percent of the time, depending on what the link says.
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @alembic_softworks i think the banner idea definitely works. The fact you like it too is already evidence that the idea is a popular one. But just to be clear the idea i mentioned wouldnt necessarily be a splash screen. For instance, in my game there is a section where you can go for things outside of my game. One of those places could be a "friends in the gaming community" section (or whatever you want to call it). The user could look at all the games i recommend. I might even add some text about what i like about it. So again its not like an ad splash screen. Its more a place to hang out and look at other peoples work that the designer admires , promotes, etc. I don't think there's going to be necessarily a set way to do any of this. I think it may come down to per project ideas. One method may work better for one particular project than the other.
  • Alembic_SoftworksAlembic_Softworks Member Posts: 114
    @anatomyofdreams - I think you're right on the money there, as well - I think having flexibility in the methods depending on the situation will only benefit us all in the long run. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, especially considering the breadth of game app styles. Really good discussion :)
  • fturner19fturner19 Member, PRO Posts: 20
    edited January 2013
    @anatomyofdreams - You see the bigger picture, but others can't seem to rap their heads around the whole concept where it's a win - win for everyone. Here's how it would work out for everyone. Everyone that would participate in the "Cross Promoting" of each others games would have a more games screen where you would have as many game their as you like. for instance a user could scroll through a list of games to try out. But here's the part that everyone's should already be an affiliate of Itune, Google Play, Barns & Noble App Store, and Amazon. You really don't need anyone's permission to promote their games on your more screen when you're an affiliate of all the app stores. Because you're promoting the apps and games to make a sale. So when someone buys a game through your more screen you get paid for the purchase and the owner gets a new user who purchased their game. Making it a win - win solution. So again hats off to "anatomyofdreams" for putting the idea out their for everyone to help each other.

    Here's a link to get started.

  • JN38JN38 Member Posts: 57
    Reading through this I like the overall idea. How would it work with GS's more games feature though?

    I don't mind including a page section within my app with a list of other apps. I'm not partial to banners though. I really don't like "in your face ads" that I have to close out or interrupt my experience. I have deleted apps that do that because the banner causes a disruption when it pops up or rotates.

    I have a quasi-MMRPG that I have been messing with for some years now. With the last update the game now throws up a pop-up of a new game by the developer. Totally unrelated to the one I'm playing. I don't even look at them anymore, I instantly close it. The only reason I keep this game is because I have had it for so long and playing it is almost a habit now.

    Another game I have has a separate page on the menu for more games. That page updates about once a month. I don't visit it regularly, but I do take a look once in a while. There is a list of games that I can tap to get a write up and icon view. If I want more info another tap on the icon takes me to the app store where I can purchase. It's a lot less intrusive and I go there because I want to be there. It stands to reason that conversion rate would be higher if I want to be there.

    Something to think about.
  • gamesfuagamesfua Member Posts: 723
    @fturner19 i'm happy you're also seeing the potential here and expanding on it as well.
    I really think this is something that the community should take a look at (especially the link you presented).
    The way i look at it, is that we're all (or most of us) considered the "small guy." There's a lot of big corporations out there "against us" in competition. They have more money, more staff, and more means to get their product out there to the users awareness. I just figured why not help one another out and band together where we can to "fight the good fight."
    The trick is figuring out what is the best method- of if there even is ONE good method. It could be more (as mentioned many times before).
    This is one of those things that could be helped by official gs team inclusion. However, obviously, this may not be something they would want to get into, and or, feel its up to the designers to talk amongst themselves. But i do think its a good idea (made stronger by all of the communities input) to follow up on, or to consider.
    To do my part i plan on contacting a few developers in the gs community that i believe have great work i stand by. If they want to get involved with me and do cross promotion- great! If not- totally understandable. But i do plan on moving on some form of this idea in the coming monhs ahead.
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