**** Rubric Games presents CODE CRACK! Now available on the AppStore for iPhone and iPod touch ****
PRO Posts: 23
Hi guys,
This is my first published game and i'm really excited to have something out there!
It's a fairly simple concept, and I haven't really seen any games similar to it out there.
Code Crack is a word-based puzzle game in which you must deduce a pattern or sequence from a few word clues, and select the option that best continues that sequence.
It's FREE right now on the appstore, please have a look if you get the chance! Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks Gamesalad!
This is my first published game and i'm really excited to have something out there!
It's a fairly simple concept, and I haven't really seen any games similar to it out there.
Code Crack is a word-based puzzle game in which you must deduce a pattern or sequence from a few word clues, and select the option that best continues that sequence.
It's FREE right now on the appstore, please have a look if you get the chance! Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks Gamesalad!
Downloaded the game, I like puzzles and word puzzle games.
The game itself is very good, and I will certainly pick it up again from time to time to play, semi-challenging puzzles, that get you thinking - great stuff. Good idea too.
I like the way you can slide you selection to the middle, and it slots into place - so nice game mechanics. Some of the words in the game are a little abstract, and I'm sure some folk will be scratching their heads.
All in all a great game! Nice one.
Aside from all the good points, great game, playability, challenging, replay ability etc.. I did observe a few things I would change.
Things to consider
- Given it's primarily a WORD puzzle game (using tables?), how come it took nearly 18 seconds to load from ICON select to starting the game?
- Brighten up the Icon? Make the sherlock image larger.
- Possibly more contrast with the titles and options text. Chrome, bevelled black text on Dark Green background hurts my ageing eyes..
1. Menu selection screen, advert is too close to the FORWARD / BACK buttons.
2. Adverts coverup the bottom text boxes in game
3. Don't like adverts in games! Make your app 69p / 99c - remove the ads
- Music: I think it's a little too fast and harsh, doesn't suit the game/genre of game. Maybe something a little more 'relaxing' or certainly more constrained to the background.
The above aren't necessarily negative points, just my opinion. It's seems like a great little puzzler/game and I'm sure if you tickled and tweaked it a little you could promote and push it to make some money.
Good luck with sales.
In response to a few of your points:
-The load time was actually a lot longer before, and I was able to cut it down substantially by following tips on optimization; I guess that the remaining load time may be due to inefficient code... I opted to load everything onto one scene instead of having multiple scenes so maybe theres a better way for me to do that.
-I didn't think of the contrast issue but it is a good point, color choice should be optimized for ease of reading
-iADs - I originally made the game for use without iADs but decided to make the game free and include them last minute, so I did my best to relocate without adjusting too much of the layout... but I totally understand where you are coming from!
-Music - I was actually thinking the same thing, and may end up taking out music altogether, as I'm not sure how much it adds to the experience
Again, thank you so much for the feedback, and I hope that others will follow suit and offer me some constructive criticism!
I think you should polish up the graphics a little bit, as the graphics look like they have been taken from different places and put together into; in other words, the grpahics don't look good like that.
Also I would recommend putting in-app purchase to remove ads and/or separate one to give more levels.
And I can't help but ask, but how did you get iAds into the game without a Pro membership? I never thought it was possible. It says you need a Pro membership for iAds?
Thanks for taking the time to give me some feedback! The graphics have been used from free places; are there any that really stand out to you as needing the most work? ie logos, text boxes, etc.
Purchasing the level packages iAP removes the iAds.
I am actually a pro member, so that's how I added the iAds
The trees in the gameplay look like real trees, and don't go well with the buttons. I suggest you make the gameplay background animated.
Hope this helps.