"Shuffle 5" Now Available on Google Play - with Developer Story (including COSTS & LESSONS LEARNED)

Hi All,

After 9 months of part time work, scrambling my free time and coordinating with artists,coders and testers "Shuffle 5" is now available on Google Play! Here is the info plus DEVELOPER story (including costs) - I hope by sharing my story you can all learn something . Feedback very welcome.

CLICK below go to the google play page


Welcome to Shuffle 5! The Ultimate word game to keep you thinking on your feet!
★Over 45,000 Words
★Beautiful HD graphics
★High quality sound effects
★High score tracking
★2 game modes:
★Survival - Solve each word in under 20 seconds!
★Countdown - Solve as many times as you can in 3 minutes!
Shuffle 5 is playable in 7 languages:
Shuffle 5 is a game of speed - the quicker you get the answer the more points you achieve! Hours of fun with friends and family


Shuffle 5 is based on the excellent value for money template by @tshirtbooth at @gshelper . The key concepts are the same 2 game modes and using 5 letters. I just wanted to take a great concept of tshirtbooth and then rebrand it as my own game and extend the features to several languages. I think the end result is really good.

template is here:

This was straight forward enough - All the purchased templates art was watermarked so I had to create my own. I wanted to do this anyway to make it look slightly different and give the game my own feel. Art total cost I am pleased to say was 100 USD. This was for all artwork, free touchup requests and finishing off some art on an additional project

This is what took most of my time. Finding dictionaries in excel or csv format proved difficult. Lucky I managed to get in contact with someone who managed to provide for me csv files for each language ( 7 in total). I am still working on an additional free. For this game to work the words must be in csv format, and each letter seperated in its own field. To do this manually would of taken far too long. I managed to get hold of a friend via work who was very nifty in excel. He created a macro and formula which :
1)collated all csv files into one
2) stripped out all words which were only 5 letters
3) automatically generated csv files for each language with the words seperated by each letter

This took around 3 months to get it right as gamesalad had issues with non standard letters like for example Æ Å Ø.

To solve this was a challenge but simple enough once we agreed a method.
He created a script so each non standard letter was replaced with a number. eg. Æ = 1 Ø = 2 Å =3 . Then we just coded game salad when the table has a "1" show the artwork for "Æ" - Very good and stable results.

TOTAL COST for all languages 100 USD

I hired a coder who gave me a price after we exchanged details. He ran into some issues with tables in gamesalad. Currently we have a stable game and no lag when playing , all under 10 mbs. Each language is in its own CSV file . The only issue is after you import ANY table - if you open it up again and then play - The data in the table is lost. This is fine for us. It just if we make a revision to one table, we must import all of them again. CODING TOTAL COST 100 USD

TOTAL COST of app development 300 USD.

The game launched only recently. I just created my first admob campaign to run over 3 days with a daily budget of 10 USD.

On Android the game is the lowest cost - this is because we cannot currently implement IAP on Android. BUT the game comes out on IOS soon (pending approval) - That version is FREE with a popup. then tier one to stop the pop up.

I have reached out to around 8 developers in India to get this profesional developed. Average price .... 8000 USD! And that with me supplying all artwork and csv files! I think I have achieved an amazing result with a small budget. I think the average user would be very happy with the quality and gameplay of the app

I have all my language templates still (both with 5 letter words and both with ALL words ) in 7 languages. I have thought about selling these if anyone is interested.

This has been my biggest app so far and was worth the wait for me personally. I hope you agree and please take the time to give feedback and hopefully have the heart to purchase on the Android Store. I hope you have enjoyed my very honest feedback. Special thanks again to @tshirtbooth for the template.

CLICK below go to the google play page

Kind regards
Doug James
Jaxel Studios
twitter - @jaxelstudios



  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Awesome use of the Mumble Jumble template! Well done!
    I'll be checking this out later on. :)
  • DeadlySeriousMediaDeadlySeriousMedia ArizonaMember Posts: 838
    Nice. I was playing around with this template recently as well. It's a real fun game!
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    Many thanks all! Hope you can manage to spare a download
  • DeadlySeriousMediaDeadlySeriousMedia ArizonaMember Posts: 838
    Of course! :)
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    Very much appreciated! If you manage to rate it , you are officially Amazing
  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    "All the purchased templates art was watermarked so I had to create my own ... Art total cost I am pleased to say was 100 USD."

    I gather you paid someone to create the art for you? Wow when I convert that to my currency (Php) that's already a lot for what you have in-game. Apart from being a traditional game designer, I've also been a graphics designer for quite a long time now and I must say you're really generous with costing.. that, or labor is cheap here. I might just offer my services here in the near future :)

    Back to your game: I love this! Everything feels clean and definitely looks like a fun and addictive game to fiddle with every now and then. I'm planning on getting an Android tablet for the holidays, will definitely get this one :)
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    Many thanks @TheGabfather for your comments. I have had many applicants for the various jobs, I often go with my "gut" on who is right. For example - when I made an add that says please contact me at xxx@xxx - anyone who replies to the forum post instead of my email is automatically not picked. Simply because if they can't read my instructions properly or be bothered to email me - I know we are off to a bad start :) I have also picked people with the least experience as they seem hungry for the work. Touch wood , never gone over price and I have actually given extra as a bonus of several occasions. Of course if you would like to discuss working together on something in the future, thats always an option! Look forward to hearing what Shuffle 5 looks like on a tablet!
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    No offence but wow I wouldn't get out of bed for that kind of money. I guess PT Barnum was right.
  • TesseractEngineTesseractEngine Member Posts: 180
    I gather you paid someone to create the art for you? Wow when I convert that to my currency (Php) that's already a lot for what you have in-game. Apart from being a traditional game designer, I've also been a graphics designer for quite a long time now and I must say you're really generous with costing.. that, or labor is cheap here. I might just offer my services here in the near future :)
    I would normally adhere to my dear old Mum's advice here, that is, "if you've got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all", but I've got to call BS on this.

    $100 is next-to-nothing for graphic design. It's peanuts. As a professional designer, working in design for over twenty years, it actually makes me very irritable indeed to hear time after time someone suggest that any professional's time is worth so little.

    It's pocket money, and if you are working on a full game's graphics for $100 - you are not a graphic designer. Nobody is paying rent and feeding a family on rates like that.

    Rant over! Sorry everyone, move along, nothing to see here, etc.

    @dugistheking Best of luck with your game, mate.
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    Hi @TesseractEngine - Comments very welcome. I can tell you I think I was very lucky to find someone so cheap and good quality. I can tell you he was 19 and a student. So he was happy to take on a new project and get some experience. In fact this was his first paid job. Very happy with the results. Of course people like yourself deserve and expect a higher rate. But in this scenerio , my solution payed off brilliantly. Hope that gives more sense :)
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited December 2012
    P.S. Very nice looking game, hope it does well.
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    Hello All, I have some figures from my first app campaign . :

    impressions 59,091 - Clicks 246. My question is this - where do I see how many people paid for the app (if any!) from the ad? Is that under "app conversion tracking" ? Thats empty at the moment so maybe it takes time to update. If anyone has tips on admob experience please let me know. Or is it better to spend money on a video review?
  • TinpotTinpot Member Posts: 54
    edited December 2012
    @dugistheking check through App Annie for a quick and dirty method to see how things are tracking for downloads in the app store. Not too sure how\if it can track paid conversion though from the clickthrough?
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    @Tinpot - thanks! well according to Admob - over 250 clicks - no purchases :( Worried I set up the link incorrectly or something. Does anyone have any good recommendations for paid reviews like video reviews?
  • imGuaimGua Member Posts: 1,089
    I think the average user would be very happy with the quality and gameplay of the app
    I think you underestimate average users. With such variety of good games for the low price, expectations of average users are really high.
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    I see your point and totally agree. This is always the challenge with paid apps. Thats why I think iOS will get a better start - FREE app with IAP to turn off ads.
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    Thank you all for the very helpful feedback. Shuffle 5 is off to a modest enough start with the app being featured as "Top Selling Apps" in google play in at least one country. If anyone has any feedback to recommended review sites please let me know.
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    extra info "Best Selling Games" in Denmark - featured on Google Play!
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    hi guys. Thanks for all the feedback. Someone told me the app is cropped slightly on some devices. I have created the apk in overscan mode. I presume I should remake it in "letterbox" options? Standard setting I use in gamesalad is legacy iphone landscape. Any thoughts?
  • dugisthekingdugistheking Member Posts: 83
    Fantastic - Story shared at http://mobile.indiegamemag.com/doug-james-and-developing-his-newest-app-shuffle-5/

    Great publicity for GameSalad also.
  • BreckenBrecken Member Posts: 143
    Fantastic Story!!! Very well done!! Downloaded and rated!
  • BreckenBrecken Member Posts: 143
    I can see aspect ratio fixed. Great job!
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    @TesseractEngine - I don't usual engage in the price for artwork debate as it's a case to case issue and no two jobs are alike... But I have to use your words here and call BS on your arrogant comment. I too have been doing game art, game dev and art direction for 25+ years and for a game like this 100$ is a fair price (and yes I know the game and have illustrated a few of t-shirt's and DBA templates). It is nothing like a full blown platformer, HO adventure or other art intensive game. It can be done in a few hours once the concept is clear and approved.

    I am glad it's just 'pocket money' to you - consider yourself lucky... In the majority of countries it would be a good pay for a job well done. Maybe you can try and think outside your box before running down others living in different (less fortunate) circumstances.
  • BreckenBrecken Member Posts: 143
    Good feedback @SpriteAttack . I think the correct job and price is out there for everyone. It is as simple as that! Art on Shuffle 5 looks top notch in this example.
  • Benjamin_m5Benjamin_m5 Member Posts: 646
    edited January 2013
    @dugistheking looks very nice! nice art and gameplay. art looks very polished and good!!!
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