help with login issue

I am not sure if i am alone in this. Everytime i go to and click on Creator, i am logged out. When i try to login, i cannot.
When i click on contact support, i again asked to login and when i typed in my userid and password, it continues to show me the login screen.
I therefore have no way to contact gamesalad support but only through this forum or through the email that gamesalad sent me when i asked to be PRO user.
Is there a bug on website?


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited December 2012
    Unfortunately GS forums have always been like this, well at least for a year or two, so I wouldn't expect it to be fixed any time soon, getting things fixed at GS tends to be a very very slow process, commonly reported bugs can often be unresolved year after year (enough time for workarounds to evolve and become established as the 'correct' way of working) I guess it's just the downside to having a comparatively small staff and an ambitious roadmap.

    As for logging in, I'm not sure anyone has found the magic formula yet, but if you click around** you can unusually get yourself logged in after a few minutes.

    ** try resetting your browser, clearing your cookies / cache, also clicking on a few different tabs ('creator', 'community', 'marketplace' etc) can often help get you logged in, as can jumping between browsers.
  • JDuaneJJDuaneJ San Francisco Member Posts: 300
    I feel your pain! I'm tired of having to login back in every time I switch from my portfolio to the community. lol But I guess I'll get used to it.
  • KevinFlynnKevinFlynn Member Posts: 26
    Hi, i'm also having problem login through my other computer. I tried several times to login but it continues to show me the login screen. Help!
  • ChakkuChakku Member Posts: 1,513

    As for logging in, I'm not sure anyone has found the magic formula yet
    I figured out the magic! :p

    You have to A) Log in from, then hit the community button, or B) Log in from the pop-up in, and click on the gamesalad icon to go to, and then hit the community button and your all set!

    So basically, the forums don't support logging in properly; only does

    Hope this helps,
    Chakku :)
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    . . . Log in from, then hit the community button . . . .
    Yeah, this is how I normally do it on my first try - and it's definitely got a higher success rate than other routes, but it doesn't always work, nor does it prevent you from being logged out a few minutes later.
  • gyloegyloe Member Posts: 9
    the thing is that if we paid so much to go Pro because they promise tech support, then this sucks...
  • sparkaniasparkania Member, PRO Posts: 300
    not to talk back to the Man.. but I get logged off and on (chrome) quite easily. it seems that if I stay in Community, I stay logged in.. but if I click ANYTHING in the GS menu bar up top here, including my own profile sometimes.. there is a 90% chance I will not be logged in when the next page opens.. (my name is replaced with 'sign in')

    And then when I try and 'sign in' it's a toss of the coin which method I get. The 'Username and Password' almost Never works, but when I get the little 'Sign In with GameSalad' link thingy.. that works every time. but you cannot choose which one comes up...
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    not to talk back to the Man.. but I get logged off and on (chrome) quite easily. it seems that if I stay in Community, I stay logged in.. but if I click ANYTHING in the GS menu bar up top here, including my own profile sometimes.. there is a 90% chance I will not be logged in when the next page opens.. (my name is replaced with 'sign in')
    Same here, not wanting to talk back to those in charge or cause any trouble - but doing precisely as recommended in this thread doesn't keep me logged in, not even if I stay in 'community', I've lost quite a few posts that I've started typing when I'm logged in only to find when I hit the 'post comment' button I'm logged out.

    And I've hit the 'remember me' check box, in fact I check it every time out of habit, but it doesn't seem to do anything useful.

    I use Firefox and Safari on two different Macs, they are suffer the same issues.

    Like I say above, it's been like this for as long as I can remember so I think we are just going to have to accept that these forums are not as stable as other forums, it can be a pain, especially when you are unable to log for a few hours, but logging into a forum is hardly a life or death matter. Also I'll guess I'm not the only one to have paid the money for a Pro account only to be unable to access any Pro forum features, again hardly a life or death situation, it just adds to the sense that the GS forums are (technically) a couple of rungs below most others.
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited January 2013
    Thanks for the Pro sticker, I'll take a look at the Pro forums. I wasn't aware that you had to request this, I'd not read through the particular 'sticky' you'd mentioned, there are quite a lot of them.

    I doubt these issues are caused by factors outside the forums (internet connectivity, system specs and so on), I visit and am a member of quite a few forums, and have done for many years, no other forum suffers these issues.

    I agree that it's best to focus resources on GameSalad itself rather than the forum, but people aren't asking for bells and whistles, just the ability to log-in and stay logged in.
  • gyloegyloe Member Posts: 9
    I apologise for the saying "it sucks" if it gives a wrong attitude pic of me. I do appreciate all that GS has done from replying to these issues in the forum and also posting youtube vids... but it is a problem... I've tried chrome and explorer and both would not allow me to get to the "contact support".. I'll try safari and firefox and see if it still is... it might be certain countries also. I'll update if anything... @Saladstraightshooter, I apologise once again... but seriously, if I paid that much for pro account, the least I should be able to do is to be able to go to "contact support" especially when I need it...
  • gyloegyloe Member Posts: 9
    Good NEWS! I can only contact support through the link provided in one of the forums... Once u are signed in, don't press the "Contact support" at the support links below the page or on top of the page under "help"

    pressing or typing this link once I am logged in helps...

    Hope this helps!
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