Developer needed for educational app

I'm new to the community, so please pardon me if this is posted incorrectly.

I am looking to hire someone who can create an educational vocabulary game that I can incorporate into my curriculum.

It should be comprised of three or more simple, multiple choice games, akin to the mindsnacks app.

It would need to be available in the app store, android store, and online, and will become a required part of my course.

Users' scores should be able to be ranked globally, as well as within groups (with their classmates or head-to-head). I also want the ability to monitor individual students' progress from a back end.

I will be responsible for creating the educational content.

If interested, please contact me directly to my inbox to provide samples and make a bid. Both flat rate and profit-sharing offers will be considered.


P.S. If I have created a community faux pas, please let me know constructively.


  • IcedBIcedB Member, PRO Posts: 384
    I'm not sure, but some of your requirements may not be possible with GS
  • CaramelTigerClanCaramelTigerClan Member Posts: 143
    Some of them aren't. Without a server of some kind there's no way you'll be able to do some of these features.
  • MeaningfulGamesMeaningfulGames Member, PRO Posts: 171
    "Users' scores should be able to be ranked globally, as well as within groups (with their classmates or head-to-head). I also want the ability to monitor individual students' progress from a back end."

    ^ This is the section that GS would not be able to handle, because of its limitations. Try another mobile developing tool (I won't name any here, just do a google search) :)
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