@gpellegrinetti In the page that you add the credits for the artwork downloaded from the internet, do you list what graphics each extra individual did, or do you simply add i.e. Extra Art: Name1, Name2, etc?
This is only sorta-kinda true, and you can only receive full copyright protection under the law by registering. It's worth the $35 to avoid potentially higher registration and legal fees in the future. "Because I said it's copyrighted" doesn't stand up in a court of law, and having that initial registration date more easily proves what came first - your project or the person who copied it/thinks it was okay to copy/steal.
http://www.copyright.gov/eco/ This is only sorta-kinda true, and you can only receive full copyright protection under the law by registering. It's worth the $35 to avoid potentially higher registration and legal fees in the future. "Because I said it's copyrighted" doesn't stand up in a court of law, and having that initial registration date more easily proves what came first - your project or the person who copied it/thinks it was okay to copy/steal.
See: http://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-general.html Then I sure hope that artwork has a creative commons/free license attached to it.