Feed Dolly (available in Appstore and facebook)

Mantiz_DevelopersMantiz_Developers PRO Posts: 34
edited November 2012 in Announce Your Game!
Hello everyone!

I'd like to introduce our new game Feed Dolly:

Have you ever heard of a dancing sheep? Meet Dolly, the coolest sheep around. Dolly it’s all about partying! When Dolly is happy she likes to dance and do some Shuffling just as much as she likes Gangnam Style!

With Feed Dolly, there’s more than meets the eye. Challenge yourself on your way through the craziest levels in order to feed Dolly.

But beware! Don’t let Dolly come across the red hot charcoal or you’ll end up with a barbecued friend!
Get rid of the wood logs and help Dolly reach the bottom where her food is.

Collect stars from the way up and achieve a higher score. Not so easy, uh?

Feed Dolly is available for iPhone and iPad in the Appstore:
for iphone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/feed-dolly/id555452112?l=es&ls=1&mt=8

and for iPad: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/feed-dolly-hd/id568135274?l=es&ls=1&mt=8

Feed Dolly is also available for facebook: https://apps.facebook.com/feeddolly

Thanks for your support, I hope you enjoy it and we'd like to know your reviews


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