Making game art for the first time please help

Hello i am making game art for the first time :) , i would like to release this game in iPhone 3, 4(retina display), iPhone 5 and of course in ipad as well , what i wanted to ask is that i am making these graphics in a vector program ie Flash so i can resize them to whatever size and wont loose the quality so should i just go ahead and make them willy nilly or should i take some precautions and keep certain rules in mind about the size and dpi etc ??


  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    72 ppi is a must. And your dimensions should follow the multiples of 2 or 4. 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, basically make sure your image is divisible by 2 or 4, width and height. Your images dont have to be square like my example, just make sure the width is divisible by 2 or 4 and that the height is divisible by 2 or 4 as well.
  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    I suggest go for Illustrator or Photoshop. In both you can resize as per your requirement. Flash is good for Animations and these 2 are handling graphical part of your gaming.
  • famekraftsfamekrafts Member, BASIC Posts: 834
    Photoshop is a must, you can even use anime studio for animation instead of flash. Vector graphics done in flash or anime studio will be lighter than other graphics in size. I did rendering in 3d and my file size are big, like 3mb for a bg. But that's for quality work.
  • nomansohailnomansohail Member Posts: 27
    soo i can make all art such as backgrounds and characters and effects in vector a massive size (of course both height and with will be either divisible by 2 or 4) and then just resize them down when importing them to gamesalad
  • famekraftsfamekrafts Member, BASIC Posts: 834
    edited November 2012
    Vector has no dpi, it's without resolution. So if you create for retina, make bg 2048 x 1536. All the other actors make double the size of what you need, if you need 32 make 64 x 64' needs to be divisible by 4. Etc. Resize inside the actor not outside gs.
  • nomansohailnomansohail Member Posts: 27
    Vector has no dpi, it's without resolution. So if you create for retina, make bg 2048 x 1536. All the other actors make double the size of what you need, if you need 32 make 64 x 64' needs to be divisible by 4. Etc. Resize inside the actor not outside gs.
    so i import bg 2048 x 1536 files of backgrounds and my character walk, jump cycles etc into GS and then re size them then ?
  • lmpapoutsis1lmpapoutsis1 Member Posts: 1
    Thanks for the information above!

    Can anyone direct me to a tutorial in which a background and character art are created? I've seen many backgrounds you can buy and characters too, but I would like to know how to go about making my own world (preferably through Photoshop), however any other program would work, I'm not too picky - only concerned with what would be best.
  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    Can anyone direct me to a tutorial in which a background and character art are created?

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