GS New Backend bugs for HTML 5 - Any answers/insights?

bjbarisax01bjbarisax01 Member Posts: 9
edited September 2012 in Tech Support
I sent this one off a couple weeks ago to QA and it's still yet to be answered. I looked through some recent community games posted in the arcade and they all seem to exhibit one or more of the problems I have...

It appears to me that the new update to the server backend of GS that accompanied the recent .10 Creator Release has some serious compiling issues, especially with compatibility of HTML5?

Perhaps someone else has some insight:

1) I did web preview on the game and the game performed flawlessly in
Chrome, Safari and Firefox (All latest versions) launched from GS Creator .10.
However the Chrome preview still shows the bleached out effect on the

2) When I published them today here is what I got (again all browsers
are updated to their latest versions and I'm testing on OS X 10.8
mountain lion 64bit and also 64bit Windows 7):

a) Chrome - Bleached out graphics, but no other bugs. Sound works.
b) Safari - Background Music playing but no shooting effect sounds.
Graphics are fine.
c) Firefox - Shooting effect sounds, but no background music. The
launch screen also had bleached out graphics.
d) Internet Explorer 9 - No Sound at all. Graphics are fine.

Further, none of the new Game Windows now allow for social sharing and
do not track play counts. It would be great if this could work even as
good as the web preview.

Here are all my current urls in .10 Beta GS:

I'd really love to upgrade this to Pro and Release some games with deeper feature sets... but the bugs are a-many...

Thank you for your help in advance!


  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I have some HTML5 projects that should be ready to publish in the next few weeks so I really hope this gets ironed out soon.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    Make sure your graphics we made with web safe colors when exported out of whatever program they were made in.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I published a game about a week ago using the last GS build 0.9.94 and everything works fine in every browser. Just went and tried publishing the exact same project with 0.10.0 and there is no music (but there are sounds). It is an angry birds clone (very similar to the DBA one) and the hit points do not seem to be registering so the blocks never get destroyed (moved off screen). Makes the game unplayable.

    My science curriculum business depends on HTML5 so that students can play my science game in their classes. This is a big problem for me.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    I just want to add that when I published an AdHoc version of my STEM Human Body game (see game of the month thread if you're interested) in 0.10.0 the game was broken in a number of spots. Certain scenes would try to load and the game would crash.

    So I decided that the best way to complete the project which I had been working on for almost two years was to publish in under 0.9.94. The 0.9.94 AdHoc and AppStore versions work perfectly. So there could be issues with the way the new publishing system is building the finished app files. Not sure.

    @SSS and GS - could we please keep 0.9.94 publishing operational until these issues have been ironed out. I know I saw somewhere that the plan was to shut down 0.9.94 publishing 30 days after 0.10.0 was released. Could you please consider keeping both options available until these bugs are fixed?

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    @SaladStraightShooter - any word on the HTML5 issues that have come up with the new publishing system?

  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    @SaladStraightShooter - Thanks! It would be really great if you guys could at least leave the 0.9.94 publishing system in place for a bit longer. I realize you don't want to waste resources on maintaining something that is out of date, but if leaving it as is doesn't waste too many resources it would at least be decent stopgap measure for those of us who really need HTML5 to work at professional level.

  • bjbarisax01bjbarisax01 Member Posts: 9
    I'm now having an issue with signing iOS apps with Distro Cert... getting Error 3? Works fine with the provisioning dev cert.

    So, any time frame when the update to the HTML5 issues will be released. Also appears that the error 3 is a Mountain Lion issue?
  • bjbarisax01bjbarisax01 Member Posts: 9
    Any news on the HTML5 arcade bugs?
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