problem while generating a standalone mac app

narFsnwnarFsnw Member Posts: 9
edited September 2012 in Tech Support

I want to export my game salad project as a standalone mac app to put it on my website (so not on the Mac App Store).

After filling the form up, I clicked on "Generate app". Then, after the process was completed, I clicked on Download.

The file that gets downloaded has an extension so I unzipped it and got a folder called Content with no app inside.

Now what? How do I launch the app?

I tried to rename the folder to "" but Mac OSX tells me it's corrupted.


  • narFsnwnarFsnw Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2012
    --Message removed by the author --
  • narFsnwnarFsnw Member Posts: 9
    I tried something else:

    I tried to place the "Content" folder inside a folder that I create called "". Now this seems to work better: The app has the correct icon, etc. But when I launch it, it crashes immediately and I get the usual "report this error to Apple" window.

    Note: I use the regular zip extractor that comes with Mac OSX. It usually never causes problem with zipped apps. There must be something wrong with the zip file that GameSalad creates.
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    I notice the same thing, unable to generate a stand-alone mac app file. regarding to the zip file, you can turn off automatic opening of zips in your safari. so you download a but it doesn't unzip properly to so i don't know what the file is for... perhaps someone can shed some light.
  • narFsnwnarFsnw Member Posts: 9
    Still no answer?? Surely I can't be the only one stuck with no way to export a game!
  • RionLabsRionLabs Member Posts: 2
    I'm having the same issue with my zip file.
  • RionLabsRionLabs Member Posts: 2
    Can we please get a update about this problem. Right now my only plan is to get my game working for Mac, and I can't even do that because I keep running into problem after problem.

    Please I beg you. GameSalad is amazing. I really don't like the idea of switching engines.

  • I got rid of the .zip on the zip folder and got the error You can't open the application 88M8TgfrEeK2zRIxPRUSuw__Meteor Man because the Classic environment is no longer supported. So apparently it actually is the app but it is too old to run...
  • Only 10.4 and lower will run classic environment apps...
  • narFsnwnarFsnw Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2012
    No. I though that was only necessary for the Mac App Store and I don't plan to go there. I just want to export the game so that friends can try it, or put it on my website.

    Also, I don't have Gatekeeper on my Mac, if that's relevant.

    Anyway, if the sign process is mandatory, it should say so.
  • narFsnwnarFsnw Member Posts: 9
    How much is it for this signing process? I guess we have to pay Apple for that? How much is it?
  • narFsnwnarFsnw Member Posts: 9
    You're kidding me! That's the price to pay just so that I can put my little silly game on my blog?!??

    (sorry, i'm not angry at you.)
  • andrewm2211andrewm2211 Member Posts: 341
    Well no... it's the price to pay for apple to manage an infinite amount of transactions you could have on their infastructure. Sounds like you don't plan on using the app store at all, so why not do an HTML 5 game?
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