Need Help lost MY GAME :(

GameKillerzGameKillerz Member Posts: 19
edited July 2012 in Tech Support
I Need help my mac got repaired at the apple store and they completely restored my mac.
All of my templets that I paid for are now gone what can I do to retrieve anything.
Please anything would help.


  • HapiappsHapiapps Member Posts: 373
    If it was published then it would be under your profile tab. The only other way was if you backed it up. Also if you bought template, you could probably email the people who you bought them from and they may check if you bought it and resend it :)
  • GameKillerzGameKillerz Member Posts: 19
    I bought my template from Tshitbooth.
    And I Deleted all of my emails beacuse it got hacked.
  • shark1505shark1505 Member Posts: 75
    Well I would guess that TSB still has your info on file and if you can validate your info, he will probably resend a template file.
  • ORBZORBZ Member Posts: 1,304
    Tip: Buy an external hard drive, setup time machine, use it.
  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Gotta agree with ORBZ. You must back up all the time.
  • GameKillerzGameKillerz Member Posts: 19
    Thank You for all of your help.
    And I am backing up my Mac right now I guess I have learned my lesson
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