Moving an actor

EvolithicEvolithic Member Posts: 0
edited July 2012 in Working with GS (PC)
Using the windows version, its hard for a first timer like me to watch mac tutorials and follow along. I have read around on the forums, but I cant get my actor moving.

I am either doing something wrong, or I'm missing a vital piece of information.

So I have 2 questions,

1. How can I make an actor follow a touch movement? Imagine a long level, where I control the actor by sliding my finger.

2. This one is probably easier, but I want my actor to collide with the roof and floor, and not leave the screen.

I am mostly interested in answers to question 1, so I can actually start making a game.



  • AugustRainAugustRain Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2012
    1. Group Touch = pressed
    device touch 1 x = self position x
    2. main actor collide with actor roof and floor, uncheck roof and floor invisible and movable set physic of main actor ,roof and floor friction = 3 .
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