Galaxy Basketball - Coming Soon to the AppStore

CabacoEntertainmentCabacoEntertainment Member Posts: 13
edited July 2012 in Announce Your Game!
Hello there,
Hope you're having a nice day!

Today I'd like to show you my ongoing project that will soon be available to purchase in the AppStore, it's called Galaxy Basketball.

It's essentially a game where you have to put the balls into the black hole, racking up as many points as you can. You're awarded 100 points for getting it in the black hole, subtract 10 from your score if you hit the obstacles, -100 if you hit the crashing spaceships, and some cool other hazards and bonuses are included too.

You can change from 4 different balls and also change the background. All of this can be seen in the video.

The app will cost $0.99 and should be out in the upcoming month since I have yet to purchase that Apple Developer License.

What do you think of this game? Do you like it? Would you buy it? Leave your thoughts in the comments please!

PS. What screen recorders do you guys use? Mine kind of stinks...

Hope you like it,

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