Help us to take this project to the next level, this will help create more jobs for Gamesalad developers.
Thank you and have a great day
Thank you and have a great day

Best Answer
tenrdrmer Posts: 9,934
Im gonna close this for a couple reasons. One is it technically violates the third party links part of the the advertising rules for the forum. The other is it borderlines spam. Maybe your a regular member and its not really spam but if we allow it for one we must allow it for all. And what do we do when people start creating accounts just to post their kickstarter projects. I'll be forwarding this on the GS community managers and they can make a final decision or not but for the time being this is closed and please do not open another like it. Feel free to message myself or @saladstraightshooter if you have any further questions about this.
Edit: I would like to add that I think it would be more appropriate to add your kickstarter link to your forum signature and then if you are an active member of the forum it would still get seen by those who choose to view signatures and left out of sight for those who do not want to see them.
This discussion has been closed.