✪That One Mad Bomber✪ -- Free On The App Sore!

master200012master200012 Member Posts: 372
edited July 2012 in Announce Your Game!
I'm glad to announce after punching ideas around, I finally came to finish one!

That One Mad Bomber, now free on the App Store!

Here is the link:


Please give a positive rating on post feedback here! Criticism is welcome!

Thank you! (By the way, this app has already been on the app store for about one-and-a-half weeks.)


  • BrocoBroco Member Posts: 10
    Just tried it out and wrote a review for you! The game has a lot of potential but I definitely think you should make the main character easier to see and maybe improve the graphics a bit, a long with a more in depth explanation on how to play and what the purpose is. Overall, I think if you polish the graphics a little more, and make a nicer menu, you have a lot of potential. Keep it up!
  • master200012master200012 Member Posts: 372
    Thank you! I've actually improved the code and menu, but the update is still waiting in review (it's been 2 weeks now...). As for graphics, they were never my strong point, but I'll still try!

    Once again, thank you for the review and criticism. It means a lot to me!
  • crazycam99crazycam99 Paris, FranceMember Posts: 519
    You should improve the art but oterwise good game.
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    Look for art on some sites like http://www.crestock.com/

    You got to improve your icon as well, this is your #1 image...
  • maxbeaumontmaxbeaumont Member Posts: 616
    edited July 2012
    Your graphics are really bad, go out and find someone to help you or at least find some good sites with free art to use. You have to do something about that art or your not going to sell another copy of that game. Art is arguably the most important part of making a game successful. Bad art = Bad game. I am only saying this to you because I think your actual code is good and the game has potential. Its as simple as that

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