Image Quality degradation?

MonjiOMonjiO Member Posts: 20
I'm using GS 0.4.8 and my art team is noticing a drop in image quality for our enemy sprites, doing a side by side comparison between Photoshop and GS. The images look "blurry" and I'm wondering if there's some fix for this or if there's a recommended file format (we're using .png) to avoid this issue.


  • CodeMonkeyCodeMonkey Head Chef, Member, PRO Posts: 1,803
    are you using 72dpi? Do you have your actors about the same size as the image?
  • xactoxacto Member Posts: 146
    Not sure if this is what you are talking... if you upload your game here - it will upsize your screen and make your graphics blur because of it.
  • SDMGSDMG Member Posts: 280
    don't know if this is still actual, but in previous versions it was necessary to save the images in Photoshop as PNG's by using "save for web" instead of "save as" ... when you have used "save as" the images were blurry in GS...
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Heh - I was just marvelling at the image quality in one of my games before I saw the game size was 40MB and I'd forgotten to convert them all from .bmp to .png ;)

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