black wave of death overtakes my mac while previewing scenes!

CCJCCJ Member Posts: 10
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Several times while working in the 'preview project scenes' interface (clicking between scenes manipulating the play/pause flow of the scene preview) the computer has either frozen with no message or an ominous black haze has scrolled down the display and a message appears telling me to reboot. The next time OS X loads it asks me if I want to send an error report to apple about this 'panic' incident. I spoke with the vendor who sold me my laptop and he does not believe it to be a hardware issue [no other programs have had this problem]. Anyone else have this issue? Is there a fix of some kind, or is it a passing annoyance that I can expect to be rare?


  • MarkOnTheIronMarkOnTheIron Member Posts: 1,447
    It happens if you have bad rules or actors that use attributes that don't exist anymore.
  • CCJCCJ Member Posts: 10
    'bad rules'? Could you elaborate please? Also I experienced the problem before adding any rules or attributes to a blank project... I'm new to gamesalad and I believe I was double-clicking the scenes in an attempt to open them [as opposed to clicking the pencil icon that appears] a few times when it happened. Anyway, does this mean the cavern platformer example is fatally flawed somehow?
  • SingleSparqSingleSparq Member Posts: 1,339
    Your not alone - I get these all the time. Always save before a preview and make back-ups of your main game file. In some cases I will only preview it on the iphone if It happens consistently.

    The cause is sometimes a mystery though - I can sometimes figure out it was something bad in the scene that caused it to freeze but other times I can create a brand new project with next to nothing in it and hit preview and it freezes - reboot, open the project again and preview - works fine. - I even sent such a project to another person an the same thing happened to them. I know it's still beta but they really need to stabilize this.
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