 Bit Biters  ♦Development Page♦

EthanZarovEthanZarov Member Posts: 156
edited June 2012 in Announce Your Game!
Hey guys,
I have been working on a game called Bit Biters.
The game is an endless game involving coins and a pixelated dude. You are trying to avoid bombs, get coins, and jump on biters. The game is a WIP.

I am not going to reveal much, but here is a screenshot:

Also, to come, possibly a sandbox mode. ;)


  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Cool stuff. Although, I don't see a picture, is the link broken?
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    Its creative.... Although the art looks mismatched, Looks like you drew some of it in "paint" and then got the other bits of the internet, Try and keep to one art style; And bear in mind that this gameplay is something that has been done before over and over and over; So it may not be a killer game on the app store, But I look forward to seeing how it comes.....
  • EthanZarovEthanZarov Member Posts: 156
    Yeah, I agree a bit come to think of it,
    I have been working on make the coins pixelated, and the bombs and biters as well. There are going to be modes etc. different to what you are used to, and I am aware that this type of thing is done frequently, but I believe that I have tweaked it enough and I think it is pretty unique. I might scratch the game altogether though, come up with a better idea. A lot of things, to me, sound great at first, and eventually become so tweaked or were bad in the first place, that I don't like my final work.

    Be on the look for Bit Biters on the iTunes App Store!

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