"this document has been changed by another application"

andrewm2211andrewm2211 Member Posts: 341
edited June 2012 in Tech Support

Sometimes when I save I get a message, "this document has been changed by another application, if you save you will lose the changes made by the other application"

What is goin' on here?

Best Answer


  • kobayaashikobayaashi Member, PRO Posts: 143
    I've had this message too, and I'd be interested to find out what the deal is...
  • domeniusdomenius Member Posts: 108
    edited June 2012
    OSX likes to update/rearrange metadata on your behalf and index things like thumbnails. Since GS projects are technically just a collection of browsable files, OSX is compelled to index and thumbnail them. So what GS is seeing as changes is most likely the inclusion of additional hidden data for the OS or modification of metadata.
  • AppTekAppTek Member Posts: 152
    OSX likes to update/rearrange metadata on your behalf and index things like thumbnails. Since GS projects are technically just a collection of browsable files, OSX is compelled to index and thumbnail them. So what GS is seeing as changes is most likely the inclusion of additional hidden data for the OS or modification of metadata on
    or sometimes, when the mac is creating a snapshot of the computer(so you can restore to it later on) the error occurs.
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