Can timer use random number?

charochaicharochai Member Posts: 4
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hello every one.

I created timer as random and the result is. The timer function didn't random.

Here how I created the timer.

1. Created attribute inside the Actor name "RandomNumber".
2. Then I use Constrain Attribute as [self.RandomNumber] to [random[1,6] ]
3. Use timer function from behavior.
4. In the Timer input box, I put the "self.RandomNumber". then spawn actor.

The result, This timer spawn actor all the same time.
Not thing change at all.

So, my question is.

Can I use random attribute for timer?


  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    Looks like you are making it too difficult...just put the expression in the input box and save yourself the constrain attribute.

    Put this in the time setting:

    The first number is the low value and the second the high value.
    I wouldn't use a random number generation for an "every" timer though. You might get some funky results.
  • Sorry, I'm a little slow.

    So in order to get a random timer, all I have to do is put "random(#,#)" in the input box of the timer behavior? I tried that and it always switches back to a simple, whole, number when I click away.
  • Awesome sauce! Thanks yall! /hug
  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    Glad you got it sorted; when I first started with GS I tried to type rather than clicking in the menu too - it was very frustrating, lol.
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