BehBeh! My Tshirtbooth Template boggle based game W.I.P.

LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
edited May 2012 in Announce Your Game!
Hi @Tshirtbooth and all,

To get a break from my big project(s) I decided to build something fast using a template.
So I bought Tshirtbooths Boggle template (and watch his video serie) and got a list of over 130.000 Dutch words and started building.
Being a Pete Precision (as they say in Holland: Pietje Precies) it is taking me some more time then planned but with a little luck I'll have it finished next week.
My boggle game is named BehBeh! (Dutch) and MehMeh! (English).
I gave the game a little twist but more on that later.

Now let me introduce my main character.



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