To make add coins in IAP.

gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
edited May 2012 in Tech Support
Hi, GS supporters.
I made some buttons which is clickable and is purchasable on "Category Scene". Plus, I also made a button which change scene to "Purchase Scene".
And there is a display section of coins how much players have.
How to display the coins there? And how to make the coins are reduced when player click the purchasable items.
I am gonna make IAP system such as "Bakery Story", "Diosa", or "Smurfs".
I already watched the video as below, but could not make it.

What I am curious is how to make and display "Add Coins" and "Spend Coins" actors in this video.


  • gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
    One mistake. It is "Display text coins" actor, not "Add coins".
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    Are the coins are in attributes or tables? Based on the video link that you posted you might be using tables which are not writeable at the moment.

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