What if the players want to restore what they purchased?

gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
edited May 2012 in Tech Support
Hi, GS supporters.
While I read the instruction for IAP, I found out something is not understandable.

In App Purchase Restore Item Action

It is not currently a requirement, but it is highly recommended that you include a button or option in your game to restore any non-consumable purchases the player made previously. This is helpful when a player has moved to a new device, or reinstalls your game after deleting it from their device.

Note: Restore behaviors will only restore non-consumable items associated with boolean attributes. Consumables like coin packs cannot be restored.

If cousumable coins can not be restored, what if the players want to keep their coins what they purchased when they has moved to a new device? They may complain about it.

Best Answer

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Posts: 9,934
    Accepted Answer
    thats just how it is. The consumables don't move devices. They may complain but it doesn't matter. Thats how apple does it. There is no way to know if they have used their consumable coins or not. thats why they don't transfer. Its an Apple thing. Not GameSalad


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