Stunt Biker - Any tips for getting it out there?
I'm 15 and have just released my 4th app made on GS, I'm really proud of this one and would love to get it to the best it possibly can. Would be great for any tips as have only made 12 sales so far!! first day,
Tht might help. The name looks like something interesting. Please share the link.
Heres the link! thanks of the help
So, your icon looks as if it was made in MS-Paint. Your game name is actually pretty decent. Your screenshots also look like they were made in MS-Paint.
Your gameplay may be awesome but their is no way to share that with potential customers. So it is all about the look of the game.
Bottom line- you will get very few sales with the current art. If you want to get more sales I would look to invest in some better graphics made by a pro.
Best of luck!
Listen to Scitunes...he speaks much truth.
To put it fairly bluntly
You need to engage your prospective customers with some eye catching visuals, and am interesting description. And to be honest, your game in it's current form, has neither.
Put yourself in the position of a customer, browsing though the app store, looking for something to spend his or her $ on. There is SOOOOOOOO much stuff on there, that quite often, if the name and icon doesn't spring out and say "HEY...OVER HERE...CHECK ME OUT", they won't even click on the link and see the screenshots, or read the description.
So... stage 2 (if the icon grabbed than, and drew them in) the screenshots. Most people will ignore your description, and head straight for the screenies. Same principal as the has to draw them in, and want to know more about this game. I know you are only 15, and just starting out on this path...but your visuals, just won't do that. (I think you have done pretty well to sell 12 if I am being honest). Look at your "Catalogue" screenshot for example :
It looks a cluttered mess. Default text for the numbers, and not really formatted. A miss matched set of graphics for the icons, some hand drawn, some not. It just screams "amature" but not in a good "Indie game" way.
Sorry if that all sounds quite harsh... but if you are in this to SELL games (as your original post would seem to suggest), these are the things you need to work on, and get right.
Bottom line is.....if you were browsing and saw that game....would you buy it? If you are honest with yourself, I would think not.
Don't let any of this get you down...keep at it. The more you do, the better you will get. If you are not a graphics man....find a graphics man. Maybe build a team of like minded people.
Flaming Mitten