To scroll 1 screen.

gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
edited April 2012 in Tech Support
Hi, GS tech supporters.
I have made a scrolled screen watching instruction video "Mulit Screen Menu". The problem is that my screen has 3 sections, and when I scroll it, it just go to last section directly. It must be shown second section first like iPhone basic screen scroll.
This is what I made as below;

Control Camera
Constrain Attribute self.Motion.LinearVelocity.X To -scene.Background.drag.Motion.LinearVelocity.X
Constrain Attribute self.Position.X To max(self.Position.X,160)
Constrain Attribute self.Position.X To min(self.Postion.X,960-160)


  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647
    Constrain Attribute self.Position.X To min(self.Postion.X,960-160)
    Change 960 to 1,440 and you should be good. Basicly it is subtracting the max from the min. My sliding menu system is 5 slides long, so my # is 2,400.

    Hope this helps,
    Jack McGraw

  • gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
    @jckmcgraw I tried to change it to 1,440, but it is scrolled very fast and never stop. My project is portrait style, and sliding menu system is 3 slides. So I think 960 is right?

    @tshirtbooth Oh, I see. Thanks :)
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647

    Oops. I didn't know it was portrait.
  • gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
    @jckmcgraw It's my fault that I didn't mention about platform. By the way, any solution?
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647

    I can't think of anything else. Maybe you could post the file with the problem (if you are comfortable with that (or send me a PM)).

    Jack McGraw
  • gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
    @jckmcgraw Oh, I don't mind about it. But I have no idea how to post it and what PM is.
  • jckmcgrawjckmcgraw Member Posts: 647
    Personal message. Just email me the file.

  • gawakamygawakamy Member Posts: 109
    @tshirtbooth Hi, tshirtbooth. What should I do if I want to make scrolling as width 1920 following your video "Multi Screen Menu"? I changed some equation because I wanted to scroll like iPhone basic. What I changed is self.Motion.LinearVelocity.X*0.9 in drag actor. I changed the last number to 1.2. It was alright when the screen devided 2, but it passed to end of the screen when I devided the screen as 3 or 4.
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