Android viewer no longer loads games

BellaNomarBellaNomar Member Posts: 5
edited April 2012 in Tech Support
So, everything was working fine, in regards to being able to preview on my Android device, but as of a few days ago, nothing i make seems to be able to load onto the device in working order. I tried making a new project to test if it was something about my project causing it, but no luck; it spends a while connecting / loading, then disconnects right when it should start the game. It leaves the game selectable on the device, but it doesn't work.

I can't tell why, and it's slowed me down a lot not being able to really test on a touchscreen. any ideas? A few searches did not reveal answer to me.

Best Answer


  • BellaNomarBellaNomar Member Posts: 5
    Sent a proper bug report in, reproduction steps and all. thanks for reminding me that's an option!
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