EDIT: working now, please ignore

bazookaBenbazookaBen Member Posts: 318
edited April 2012 in Tech Support
i published ad-hoc

- GameCenter (logins, view leaderboards, show achievements, update achievements) all do not work. I tied the behaviors to an actor button, and upon click, nothing shows. Not even the grey overlay/loading wheel.

note: in-app purchases works awesome. It's talking to the apple server.

Best Answer

  • bazookaBenbazookaBen Posts: 318
    edited April 2012 Accepted Answer
    okay i did more testing

    it appears that i have to be logged into GameCenter (via the original GameCenter app) first. Once it's done, my published app auto-recognizes this and will show the leaderboards/achievements. I don't even need to use the "log in" behavior.

    this is different from 0.9.91, because if an error appears, it'll pop a blue window saying "can't connect to GameCenter". with 0.9.92, we don't get any signals. which is a good thing because users don't get annoyed too much.

    new problem: update achievement works awesome. post score does not. i'm using all integers on a single leaderboard. also tried with a different leaderboard
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