web preview and app doesnt work



  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    24hrs? I wish

    Last time it took me about 40hrs to get a reply

    Btw why do you want web preview so badly for?
    Well that is what they promise anyway :P 40 hours doesn't seem too bad! As I said in my earlier post, I have a client waiting for me to give them a working web game. I have almost definitely lost my chance of working with the client again as the game is rendered useless due to this (what I think is a bug).
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    I don't have tables! So are you saying that if published in HTML5 it will work but not in web preview? (Assuming that everything in the project is fine).

    Thanks for the reply SSS :D
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    Oh ok. No, I was testing for a HTML5 game.
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    Thanks for the reply! I said no tables meaning there are no tables used in the game. Ive already gotten many replies suggesting that as the problem :P. Anyway i want my game to also be on a web platform, and i dont have an apple dev account yet so i cant test it.

    Sorry about that i didnt realize thats how you feel. I just didnt want the forums displaying my question as "answered" if it wasnt, and i couldnt find another button to change the status except reject. I also did not see another question as an accepted answer because although you were trying to help, there was no solution provided. Anyway i can understand how you felt and im sorry for offending you. I will keep this in mind in the future.

    Sorry for all the confusion,
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    you didn't offend me I never offered an answer.

    and the forum displays 3 states for your question. Question, Answered, Accepted Answer you just don't accept an answer if you don't want your problem to appear solved.
  • pinata14pinata14 Member Posts: 150
    Oh ok i see now i thought not choosing put the same status as clicking answered.
  • hey everyone!

    i think i've been having the same or a similar problem. my games works perfectly in the editor, but now i've published them and they get a bit glitchy when played in the arcade.

    the browser i'm using in google chrome as i've heard thats a good one to use for GS, and my internet is pretty good. also before playing i closed my other tabs/programs on my computer so not too much is going on.

    anyone got any tips to keep arcade glitches to a minimum?
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