Am I the only one who is not getting the 8 month extension deal?

azavegaazavega Member Posts: 362
edited April 2012 in Tech Support
First at all, I'm not complaining about money, cause I think the new price is amazing, I was even ready to pay 499 again when i get almost finish with the project am involve now.
My question is, and I already ask this with no answer, if my membership expired a couple of weeks ago do I have the right to get the extension or not... it seems unfair that other pro members that probably have 5 days left on their membership get it and I can't. I'm perhaps wrong but it looks unfair to me...
Just a question and I deserve an answer...

Best Answers

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
    Accepted Answer
    I would think not because
    a) in the price change thread it says current pro members who paid the 499 will get the extension

    b) its an extension, not a reinstatement.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Posts: 6,256
    edited April 2012 Accepted Answer
    Im not saying that, nor do i represent what gamesalad feels/says. But you cant expect them to give every member who has ever bought pro 8 months for free. I think the current extension is just fine. Like i said above its an extension, which implies its added on to current subscriptions. Thats what a extension is, not a reinstatement which would mean they would give it to everyone even if it expired.

    At least its only 299 now, thats awesome



  • azavegaazavega Member Posts: 362
    ok, from your point of view my 499 represent less value than 499 that somebody else paid 4 weeks after me, inflation perhaps? lol , doesn't matter i will pay the 299 with no problem, one more time looks like its just been in the right place at the right time...
  • azavegaazavega Member Posts: 362
    hey I totally agree with you now that you put it that way, but it sucks lol, i was like 3 weeks short dawn!!! lol thanks for your answer and your therapy session. @JohnPapiomitis...
  • MotherHooseMotherHoose Member Posts: 2,456
    look at it this way @azavega … you do not have to pay the $499
    if you had paid that a couple of weeks ago … you would get 19 months for that money
    now you pay this month or next month $299 and get 12 months
    (doing the math you would have paid $26+/month and now you only pay $24+)
    so you are not out any money … and you get a bargain at the new price

    granted for members with only a few months expired on their subscription …
    it is a sweeter deal
    but, since we all are getting a great deal … we can't begrudge them their extension

    in 2010, I too got ticked at buying a membership and then buying pro membership … only to find out that the pro membership cancelled my express membership which I had only had 4 months usage … but the pro was a real bargain … I had to accept that it was worth the trade-in.

    image MH
  • azavegaazavega Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2012
    Thanks @MotherHoose, thats a good way to see it as well... and like I said before, I'm not complaining about money... Didn't make a lot of profits my first year but I got fair with what I paid... Looking forward to my new project and for all the great things to come with this amazing tool that is gamesalad...
    Thanks to all you guys... this forum certainly rock!!!...

    Please somebody remove this thread, its no longer necessary ...
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