Calling all artists!

greengluegreenglue PRO Posts: 52
Hi Everyone!
I am looking for a graphics designer for my 2D GameSalad iOS RPG game that I am making. I was inspired by Swordigo, another iOS game and you can see some of their artwork if you scroll down at this link:
Now for my game, I am not willing to pay any money since this is more of a Hobby then a Job. But, when the game goes into the AppStore and if I sell it for $1.00 or $2.00 the profits will be split. If you are interested you can PM me on GameSalad or add me on Skype: mrgreenglue is my skype name.
Thanks for your time!


  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    edited March 2012

    Some good ones are: debug design, Jason Nester, creativeapps
  • greengluegreenglue PRO Posts: 52
    @Braydon_SFX Thanks for the names, I've PMed a couple of them. Are you, by chance, good at SFX?
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    edited March 2012

    Haha, Braydon_SFX is my game name from BF2. We use to host multiple severs and mod them. So the answer is no, sorry.
  • greengluegreenglue PRO Posts: 52
    Ah ok no problem! ;)
  • greengluegreenglue PRO Posts: 52
    Well still waiting for the other artists to reply, anybody else interested in helping out?!
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Her GreenGlue,
    Try Basil, he is pretty flexible.
  • greengluegreenglue PRO Posts: 52
    @Braydon_SFX Thanks for all your help, I contacted Basil just now.
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    Why do my alarms go off when I read this? It must be the words 'RPG' and 'this is more of a Hobby then a Job' triggering it. From my personal experience finishing any RPG type game is a major undertaking and even professional studios fail to reach the finish line at times as it's such an overwhelming task. I hope you are aware of the size and the amount of art, code and polish it takes to make a game like 'swordigo' - even when taking it from 3D down to a more manageable 2D level. Good luck!
  • greengluegreenglue PRO Posts: 52
    @SpriteAttack After reading what you wrote, I agree with you. So, since I have the base already, and it can be changed to any type of game really at the moment, I am deciding to make it a Platformer(2D).
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