iPad Retina Graphics- An GSViewer Observation
Member Posts: 187
Hey Gang. So here's something interesting I noticed using the GS Viewer. For the game I'm developing, I created all 2x graphics in anticipation of the iPad 3 and have used them in my GS project unscaled. When I play the game in the GS Viewer, these graphics look great. Seem to be fully Retina-ed. Any graphics that I was forced to scale down to edit in the GS viewer (2048 backgrounds, etc.) look pretty pixelated and blown up. So, is GS retina ready if the 1024 size limit were removed? Talk amongst yourselves. Hopefully an update can be had ASAP so that we can ride the "buy it because its retina compatible" wave.
2x images looks good if they don't exceed 1024px. Bigger images than that are automatically resized by GS on import. If you try to add the bigger images directly in the project image folder (by right-clicking the project) the image will look good on the creator, but on the published adhocs you will see only big white placeholders.
I suspect it has something to do with the publishing process via the GS servers.