Inkscape transparent background tip

poopdecksweeperpoopdecksweeper Member Posts: 180
I never knew how to save inkscape vector images with transparent backgrounds until today.

First, go to document properties in the File tab, then set your background's alpha color to 0 by clicking on the background color part of the window. Then go ahead and start your art.

After you make your graphic or whatever it is that you need...i.e. GUI. Go ahead and "export as bitmap" in the file tab. In the next window that opens up, look at the filename and make sure that it ends with ".PNG" if it ends with .png then your background will be transparent as long as you have changed the file name to cacapoo.PNG

good luck and keep developing


  • HappyKat78HappyKat78 Member, BASIC Posts: 173
    You're my new hero!!! I've been trying to figure out how to do this for ages and have been having to open all of my inkscape pictures in GIMP and messing around with them to create the alpha layer! Thanks a million!
  • poopdecksweeperpoopdecksweeper Member Posts: 180
    You're welcome! Good luck.
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