My Game shuts off while I'm playing automatically

YYGamesYYGames Member, BASIC Posts: 26
edited March 2012 in Tech Support
Hi guys.

Ever since I updated latest version of gamesalad, and gamesalad viewer,

my game keep shuts off automatically while I'm playing my game.

Like after 5mins it shuts off. And this also happens in Adhoc.

I already checked my game hundreds of times to see if there's anything wrong, but there was nothing wrong

and I also tried reboot my mac and my phone either, but neither worked.

Tho, my game have lots of attributes going on in one scene, is this why??

Help me please :(


  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    now, when you say your game shuts off, I'm guessing it's probably crashing. when you are playing it in the viewer, what are the numbers displayed when it closes? could you post the full list? Also, what device are you testing with?
  • joshuawildejoshuawilde Member Posts: 96
    yes. it is very important to know what device you are testing with as newer models have more RAM and a better processor. also it could be that other background processes non-GameSalad related are running on your iPod.
  • YYGamesYYGames Member, BASIC Posts: 26
    Yes I'm saying that my game crashes in both gamesalad viewer and ad hoc. (not in mac, just in phone)
    I'm using iPhone4S with iOS5 ver.
    When it crashes nothing pops up.
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    I am experiencing the same issue on mine. I'm testing on my iPhone. It's a iPhone 3 8GB. Mine gets the main menu to work and after I click to play it starts loading in and after a while of loading it just crashes out. Nothing is displayed it just goes back to the home screen closing the GS viewer. It works fine on my Android phone.

    (Mine is code intensive as well. Not sure if that's what it is)
  • YYGamesYYGames Member, BASIC Posts: 26
    edited March 2012
    Turns out the reason for crashing is because there are too many things going on in one scene.
    When i was previewing my game on my iphone, the size of image was about 20 to 30 mb
    and game engine was 70mb, and others 30 mb.
    But there's no way to reduce the size of my game engine because all of the attributes are all needed in one scene.
    Is there any way to prevent my game from crashing? :(
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    I can see that being the issue, but what is weird though is on my scene I have everything that isn't in use at the start at 5x5 and alpha 0. You would think it wouldn't cause an issue at that.
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    You should look real close at your logic, and look for redundancies, or possible scripts that just loop around to nothing. I had a crashing problem early in my GameSalad endeavors, but it was because i had several scripts running at the same time, basically trying to do the same thing. Trying different things, and different ways, I would kinda forget I had other things still in the script that weren't deleted, and it caused conflicts to the point the phone would just say "screw it, I quit" basically.

    Just an idea.
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970

    Thanks. I'll take a look at that, although it does work on the Android device just fine.

    I'm thinking maybe I should uncheck preload art. How does that work necessarily though. Do I just uncheck it in every image that is not being displayed initially and then have something that check the preload art boolean or how do you set it up to load the art during runtime?
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Pre-load art loads all images/actors that are checked to do so before the game starts up. Having a lot of pre-loaded images will slow down the startup time of the game.

    Personally, I uncheck pre-load art for every image/actor with the exception of animated actors. Those are the only things that I pre-load art for, and I have good results, and no problems so far.
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970

    Thanks. I stopped all the preloading art. Problem is it is still happening.

    Specifically, when I open my game on the GS Viewer it opens the game. I click the play button and it loads for like a min and than just crashes out. Nothing is displayed. Can I assume this would happen on an actual device? I mean I have put it on my Android phone numerous times and it loads in around 16 or so secs and goes into the game just fine. No issues, but on the iPhone it just loads for an eternity and crashes. I'm pretty sure I don't have any looping codes, because nothing is triggered until the game is entered from the next scene. I have integers that manage where the person is in the scene and it shrinks / alphas the unused images and expands the used ones. This is really starting to concern me since my game is virtually done other than the remaining final playthrough.
  • YYGamesYYGames Member, BASIC Posts: 26
    Try to reduce size of the image.
    After I reduce size of my images, it does not crash anymore.
    Cheers :)
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    I'll give it a shot thanks.
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