GS Viewer Not Loading Application

whodatwhodat Member Posts: 1
edited February 2012 in Tech Support
Game Salad Viewer unable to load game
Viewer & Device
Gamesalad Viewer created in XCode = OK
Gamesalad Viewer Installed on phone = OK

Gamesalad Preview on Computer = OK
Launch Gamesalad & Viewer on device= OK
Assets & etc loaded= OK
Game Salad Viewer= Waiting for GameSalad Creator (even though status is connected) - GS View app is hung up at this point.
GS Creator - On screen text= Loading game. GS viewer is unable to load app onto device.

Both systems are connected to the same network.
Firewall off.
Network file sharing on.
Connected to Wifi Screen (with Recent Games & Instructions Button) is frozen.

If I close the iOS viewer from Multi Task bar on iPhone and relaunch app, app is stuck on screen with Gamesalad Logo.
Gamesalad Creator now has error: Could Not resolve device address.

Closed application.

Deleted GS viewer from iPhone.

I tired loading several of Game Salads template apps (i.e. Table Tennis) to make sure the problem was not my app. Unable to load applications.
Rebooted iMac & iPhone = Same Error

Deleted Game Salad Creator & Game Salad Viewer from Mac.
Deleted gamesaladviewer xcode project from workstation.


Downloaded both programs and recreated viewer in xCode on device.

Same error.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. I give up for today.


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