ironDanironDan Member Posts: 148
edited February 2012 in Announce Your Game!
My new game ROADKILL CHICKEN hit the store yesterday.

Here are some codes to get your copy free, enjoy and take a moment to leave a review.



  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970

    Looks like an interesting game. Has cool graphics.
  • ironDanironDan Member Posts: 148
    Ok GS'ers....If you do take a code also take a moment to leave a nice review for a fellow Salad Head ; )

  • ironDanironDan Member Posts: 148
    Nine promo codes went out and no reviews....except from someone named Zetaxx who gave 1 star and a bad review??
    So here are fifteen more promo codes...maybe this time I can get some of that Gamesalad backing that that makes this community the brotherhood it is ; )

    And leave your name so I can return the favor when you call upon a fellow Gamesalad friend.

  • MarcusOMarcusO Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2012
    Hey Iron Dan,
    This happened to me as well.
    I left 12 promo codes and only one person took my code from my post and said will leave me a review.
    Nobody else wrote anything.
    And i too got a 1 star review from a Zetaxx with harsh unjustified words.

    So i feel for you man.

    Perhaps next time we can leave each other promo codes so we can enjoy each others game as fellow Salad Head
    and leave a nice review to.
    What do you say?
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    edited March 2012
    Hi there,

    This is a nice little game. However, you are using sounds from the game "Ba Da Bump" and I believe you should replace them with your own sound effects.
    The game is glitchy, but its a funny idea. Love the cracked effect, though.
  • ironDanironDan Member Posts: 148
    @MarcusO Yeah Zetaxx must be a GS lurker. But I will be in touch when I have some codes ; )
    @Braydon I'll see what I can do with the sounds, I get a lot off the web and its impossible for me to know whats ok to use and not. Especially when they come from
    royalty free sound sites. But you also mentioned Gltchy?..anything in particular so I can fix with an update.
  • mmzbrmmzbr Member Posts: 311
    edited March 2012
    I was about to use a code for play and review it but I received the prompt: The item you've requested is not currently available in the U.S. store.

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    The sounds that came with the template are from the original game, Ba Da Bump. Hitting the walls, the cracking sound etc.

    I noticed that when a orb stops moving, and when it starts growing, it hits other orbs and "moves" them. I believe this is happening because you are growing the orb to quickly.
    Also, if an orb goes below the line, sometimes it doesn't take away a life.

    And one big glitch - how to reproduce it: when you lose, and the game over card comes up, press the pause button. When the pause menu comes up, press resume. As the scene is changing back to the initial scene, (while the scene is loading) press the retry button on the game over card. This will restart the game, but leave any orbs that you still had on the screen when you did. Hope that makes sense.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Also, if you press pause, then resume, it sets your score to 0. I was at 200,000 points. :/
  • ironDanironDan Member Posts: 148
    @mmkzbr I took V1.0 down today as V1.1 is about to be released as a free game that will unlock full game with $0.99 iAP that enables GameCenter and disables iAD's
    I just went Pro so I'm testing out some features, plus as a paid $0.99 game (I've had three out in the iTUNES store) and between the 3 I don't think I grossed $50 :) lol
    I'm hoping the free version will get a lot of downloads and if the iAP full game unlock doesn't get a lot of purchases maybe I'll get something back from iAD's if Apple puts them in my game.

    @Braydon_SFX Thanks for the response to the glitches, I will work on an update to release once V1.1 goes live to address the issues. It should be any day now since I submitted V1.1 to apple 4 days ago and is currently under review.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    Heres a tip, don't leave promo codes here. Put them on TA or send them to other major sites. Or to friends and Fam who will actually. Leave a rate.

  • ironDanironDan Member Posts: 148
    Ok, so I became a Pro GS user and updated my game with some new features and made it free so no need for anymore promo codes ; ) If anyones interested in playing it check it out and search ROADKILL CHICKEN
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