Can't delete actors from scene and other weird behavior...

rcoodeyrcoodey Member Posts: 1
edited February 2012 in Tech Support
So I am new to GameSalad, but after really pulling my hair out these seem to be bugs...

I created a few actors, implemented some movement so one actor would move to the mouse when down, added gravity and some collision detection for the second actor.

Problem 1: I cannot remove/delete actors for the scene. I select it in the scene, and in the menu under edit, delete is grayed out. Also I try and hit delete on the keyboard and nothing happens. I can delete the actor all together from the inspector, but not out of a scene... maybe I am doing something wrong?

Problem 2: After implementing all of the above, the actor movement started acting weird, so I started backtracking... removing the collision detection, the gravity, etc... So removing the gravity was fine, but I ended up removing all the behaviors from the actors and yet they still seem to be in effect. The movement is still there (but weird like before), if I turn gravity back on, the collision detection is still working even though I took those behaviors out.

Running on 0.9.91 beta on Mac OS 10.7.1

Maybe I am just doing something wrong, but these seem like some odd bugs? Thanks a lot for any help and also for a really cool app!


  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    1) I'm using the same version and it works fine. I just click on the actor I want to delete and press backspace/delete

    2) What do you mean by weird? What exactly is happening?
  • rcoodeyrcoodey Member Posts: 1
    Thanks for the info!

    Got number 1 resolved, delete key does nothing with the scene, backspace removes it. My bad, I have a windows keyboard. Thanks!

    As far as number 2, I rebuilt the project and it hasn't happened again yet. But by weird, the actor movement was set to move to the mouse location when down, which worked at first. But it started moving like one frame and then stopping. So I started removing these behaviors and yet it was still like they existed even though they were removed.

    Thanks again for the help!
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    Problem 2:

    Look up the differecne between 'Prototypes' and 'Instances'.

    I suspect the actors in your scene are Instances, so when you edit the Prototype (in the 'actors' window) it has no effect on the actor in the scene.
  • mikegonzalez2kmikegonzalez2k Member Posts: 1
    I did the same thing because Im running Mac OSX on a VM from my Windows 7 PC. It helps to know the difference in keyboard buttons :)
  • troynalltroynall Member Posts: 15

    i had this EXACT problem on my MAC. i was using the MAC keyboard and pressing the small DELETE key located above the ARROWS(up,down,left,right). Never thought of pressing the LARGER DELETE key above the Forward Slash "\" key. i feel kind of silly now. What do they say, "Can't see the Forest because of the TREES ?"

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