>> ••¡€#¢∞★§¶¡!¡!¡! Yippideedooda !¡!¡! My first app in store..... <<
"I'd like to thank PG Tips and Tetley; my dog Bullseye for constant interruptions wanting walks; my insomnia; and not forgetting Sir Walter Raleigh for his discovery.... and I'm not talking about potatoes.....
"And of course a huge thank you to GameSalad HQ, without whom this would have been possible, without a brilliant program called GameSalad Creator...." ....
"That's about it, I think....."
"Whoops: to Susan, my long-suffering wife who occasionally calls herself a computer widow... but she loves me really... well, she says she does...."
Get on with it...
"Sorry, where was I?"
Seriously, I'm as pleased as punch that I've finally got my act together to get one of my game files finished and in the store (I guess you can tell); it took just over a month to create so I'd like to think I'm really getting into the swing of GSC; more apps to follow this year.... I'm still rambling with excitement, aren't I?
OK, enough now. It's a game app for the iPad and it's called End of the Earth. I might rustle up a small vid soon; it's available from the following link; please check it out!
OK, time for a REAL drink now, I'm thinking... ;-)
"And of course a huge thank you to GameSalad HQ, without whom this would have been possible, without a brilliant program called GameSalad Creator...." ....
"That's about it, I think....."
"Whoops: to Susan, my long-suffering wife who occasionally calls herself a computer widow... but she loves me really... well, she says she does...."
Get on with it...
"Sorry, where was I?"
Seriously, I'm as pleased as punch that I've finally got my act together to get one of my game files finished and in the store (I guess you can tell); it took just over a month to create so I'd like to think I'm really getting into the swing of GSC; more apps to follow this year.... I'm still rambling with excitement, aren't I?
OK, enough now. It's a game app for the iPad and it's called End of the Earth. I might rustle up a small vid soon; it's available from the following link; please check it out!
OK, time for a REAL drink now, I'm thinking... ;-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
I got it! and can't wait to play!
@};- MH
Congrats gyro, best with sales!
Good Luck with sales and enjoy your hard earned drink
So 2nd one up in another 4 weeks?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Congratulations Gyro ! and welcome to the party! the madness party ! its a rough world out there , watch out for monsters =:)
I wish you best of luck with it my friend and already looking forward for your next game !
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Is this from Zelda ?! you told me i need to play it , see.. i learn fast :-B
@redsky you're right there, @RD, the TOTB4 comp inspired me although as I was one of the judges I couldn't enter but it was still an incentive to see if a) I could finally finish one of my apps and b) get it finished in a month. 2 down! (Erm, not apps, I mean, er... oh, you know what I mean.) :-)
@MotherHoose THank you so much, @MH, you could well be the first person to buy End of the Earth! (Hmm, you might be the only person to buy End of the Earth... ;-)
Seriously, hope you've enjoyed playing and listening if you've had time today.
@SaladStraightShooter wrote: "your title gave me a seizure - haha. Congrats on the release!"
Ha, sorry about that, @SSS , it was an excitement of the moment thing! (But I know you know that really!)
@RKS All I can say is DINGBATS! :-)
P.S I hate to tell you, @RKS that an app for the iPhone I've been working on for the past three weeks is a shopping list utility... (requested by Susan, my wife).... I noticed that you're working on something similar from a thread you started the other day. The good news is that your app doesn't look much like mine, yours includes a notebook, etc; and there at least 7 shopping list apps already on the app store! So our 2 won't make much difference, I don't think..... (I don't mean I don't think they will sell... oh dear, I'm digging myself deeper... ;-)
@calvin9403 Cheers Calvin! I don't think sales will exactly "shoot through the roof" with this one but the sentiment appreciated all the same! I wait to see...
@beefy_clyro it is a great felling for certain, beefy! I'm still buzzing a bit today but I've calmed down... I don't know why, but it was 10 times more exciting that when I put my first album on iTunes (via CDBaby). hopefully the good feelings carry on app after app...
@HoneyTribeStudios - exciting indeed, Shaz; for me with this one it was a (perhaps unusually overinflated) sense of achievement; but also relief; "the last mile" of this one felt 3 times as worse as all the other miles put together! Perhaps I'll steer clear of puzzle games in the future for a while...
@ozboybrian - I hope you've recovered from your seizure, Brian! I guess there is a bit of a surprise that a Sous Chef has only just completed their first app after using GSC for over two years or more.... but you see, my Sous Chef status is because I make the best crepe suzette in town... ;-)
@quantumsheep Thanks muchly, @QS! Onwards and upwards, as they say!
@P-O-M Thanks for the warning from experience, Roy. :-) Monsters, eh? Oiks!
Thanks @QS, I took it but it got mangled scaling the first castle wall; "phooey", I said, and went in alone with the nearest thing to hand... a broom...
@LeonardDeveloper Cheers as well, Jack!
Just one question from an app freshman; where do I find my promotional codes?.... (Probably right under my nose but I searched everywhere in iTunes Connect; found the odd spanner and teaspoon though... oh, and a broom...)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
Good luck!
THat's good to hear, @RKS; best of luck with yours. :-) I'd like to think mine has it's own "slant" too; I'm going with multi-lingual and simplicity. I'll maybe post a vid tonight to give a taster if you and anyone else is interested to see progress.
...and here's hoping you get in the top 10 utility apps! :-)
@redsky, thank you, Henry; a big blue button, eh? OK, I'm going back in....this time with an extra pair of specs... and night vision glasses... :-)
By the way, if anyone has the urgent desire to post a review for End of the Earth, I really won't stop you, I promise... ;-) ..... worth a try...... !
iPad app: End of the Earth
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
Purchased on Polish App Store
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
I'm going to buy the whole album right after Apple's pay day
I hope you enjoyed the well deserved drink.
People annoy me with their blows saying PUBLISH A GAME BRIAN.. or at least i've submitted a game. Bfft. Perfecting your product is the key!
Good job mate
@ozboybrian Thank you also, Brian, for the encouragement! We all need that, don't we, to plough on. Taking on a GS project from start to finish isn't easy for certain and you're so right that perfecting our products is the key.
I'm also certain it'll all suddenly come together for you (and others); I think you have to find a project that really interests you to keep at it otherwise interest will be lost part-way; I'm sure you'd agree.
But even those type of projects - the unfinished ones - are valuable, adding to one's GSC experience. And going back to them at a later date, not only do we have a wider experience but possibly a renewed enthusiasm.
You'll surely get your first app together when "it all comes together" for you; and as you imply, it's all about quality over quantity; something we all strive for, I know.
I look forward to your first app as well as others but I wouldn't feel pressured in any way; your own pace is the timekeeper! :-)
iPad app: End of the Earth –•– http://davidgriffinapps.co.uk/
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
Anyhow, please check out my first app, a puzzle game for the iPad, link below (or above) if you are interested in checking it out....
Some time tonight, I'll be posting ten or so promo codes for free downloads.... (drat, I shouldn't have written that... ;-) )
iPad app: End of the Earth –•– http://davidgriffinapps.co.uk/
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
Without tea, there'd be no UK games industry!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Indeed, my friend, tea is the cornerstone, the rock.... nay, the pinnacle of the UK games industry!! :-)
By the way, @QS, have you a promo code for End of the Earth, and if not, would you like a code; and if not, why not?.... ;-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
I spent far too long on the loo with this - nice one!
I think my main criticism, and it's not a huge one, is that you can't seem to skip the earth going down, the moon coming up and the planetoid hitting the earth. A simple 'skip' button in the lower right hand corner to get past this and on with the level might help.
I'm not an impatient type, and I know you treasure your presentation - but hell, if I can skip through some of the cutscenes in Star Wars PVP (and that game took 6 years to make and over $100m) then I'd love to do that here too!
Just my thoughts! Again, well done on getting this out there, and I look forward to your next one!
Hopefully not in 2015
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
@quantumsheep wrote: "...and I look forward to your next one! Hopefully not in 2015 ;-)"
Taken on the chin, that one! I'm aiming on getting a simple iPhone utility app together, as well as a quick and easy iPad app finished (which'll cause some people to say "Come on Dave, what's the point of that"!); to make it worse (!), I've a variation of this app as another; all of these finished within two months (OK, three months at max.) then back to my unusual levels game, then the totally off-the-wall interactive multimedia app, both by the year out... so that's another 5 apps by Christmas; is that gonna be OK? ;-)
Interested to know what you're involved with for your next, QS; any pointers that you can give on your games/apps output? ("Output": not sure I should have used that word, it's not a race, I know....... we are artistes!!! (Flings back of hand to forehead... :-) )
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps
You can find a couple of pics of my next project here: http://quantum-sheep.com/news/ and here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Quantum-Sheep/220180245596
Yes, it *is* an adventure game! I was working on another Air Supply game, but got fed up waiting for GC Achievements!
The AS game will come after this adventure game though (hopefully, if GS pulls its finger out a bit!).
But let's not hijack your thread too much, eh? What do your mates think of your app, eh?
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
Here is an audience at a table tennis match (short rounds):
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
I remember seeing now some screenshots of your adventure game, QS; looking excellent, I look forward to it being complete. For info, my adventure game (Ancient Ones: Discovery) won't be worked on again until next year probably... at least by then you and I (any any other GSC users) won't be accused of copying Joe just because it's a point and click adventure! (It's a bit like saying your game is like the an original Mario or something because it's a platformer...) Best of luck with Air Supply too.
@quantumsheep wrote: "What do your mates think of your app, eh?"
The few close friends I have left... (just call me Billy No-mates! - but people drift away as you get older and you're left with just a core of steadfast friends; at least, that's what happened in my case) .... seem to like it but none have iPads and aren't into techno' things in a way; but a friend of Susan's loves it to bits... and my mum like it! (Actually, I haven't shown it to my mother yet... she hasn't got an iPad either...)
OK, time to crack on (I'm making an omelette).... no, tell a lie, a cup of tea...
P.S Thanks for the retweet the other day! :-)
iPad app: End of the Earth –•– http://davidgriffinapps.co.uk/
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain http://spidergriffin.wix.com/alphaghostapps