HELP with uploading an app to apple
Hey I have a big problem that I can't seem to find out. I have my app done and I have compressed it and I am ready to send it into apple. I am on the program "application loader" and I have tried to upload my app many times but it is not seeming to work? this is the Folllowing Issue... ... Could anyone please help me? I have no idea what to do.
Did you make a new App ID (I believe you can use the one you might have made for an ad hoc but I think it's safer to make a fresh one for actual publishing); and a new Provisioning Profile which you downloaded and double-clicked so it registered in Xcode? I guess you did...
You'll probably have to get the binary remade via GSC publishing but this time, double-check you've selected the right Provisioning profile but more importantly, click the Advanced button to check that you've typed in the correct App ID (bundle) as well. That'll hopefully sort it for you. (P.S. Also make sure that the orientations match those in your game file, selected in the same window that comes up when you select Advanced.)
And importantly, before the new binary is made - something which catches a lot of people out (it did me!) -is to go into each and every scene of your game file, in Scene > Attributes > Autorotate, and make sure you've checked Landscape Right as well as left if it's landscape, or portrait and Portrait Upside down if its portrait. I hear Apple will bounce your app if this isn't done. Maybe you knew this anyway but I said it just in case!!
iPad: End of the Earth game coming soon to the iTunes App Store....
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Here's a link to one of the excellent tutorial vids by TSB on publishing which another member found for me. I'm sure it'll be helpful to you too. Please note that some of the screens have changed since the video was made but it's more than enough to get you through if you take it steadily. (Steady as she goes! :-) )
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Or it could be the other way around, the PP you made and downloaded isn't the same as the one you selected in the GSC publishing section...
Hope that sorts it for you; it's difficult to say exactly without seeing your IDs and Provisioning Profiles what's gone wrong; if you're still having trouble, start again fresh, make a new ID and PP, make sure these are the ones chosen in the GS publishing, after you've downloaded the PP and double-clicked it to open it in Xcode, and then exactly the same in iTunes connect.... a pain, I know; hopefully the first suggestion will work out for you. Good luck! :-)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Haha!! :-) Pleased you're pleased and you got it sorted!
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain