OSX Mountain Lion - GS Compatibility Post

SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
edited February 2012 in Tech Support
Hi everyone,

I just thought I would start this thread to help with those Mac developers that choose to upgrade to Mac OSX 10.8 early. I will be upgrading when I get home today so I cannot report directly on any issues yet but if you have installed the upgrade please post on this thread with your successes, failures, and bug reports that are brought about as a result of the upgrade.

Hopefully GS won't have too much work to do :D


  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    It's still very early. I'm reading lots of basic functions aren't even functioning yet. If i had enough room, I'd think about partitioning my hard drive and check it out, but I don't. And i learned my lesson beta testing Apple products while trying to make a game - prevented me from publishing.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    Just bumping this up as 10.7.5 is now out and I'm wondering if anyone is having issues with using it with GS? I'd like to upgrade but am hesitant. :)
  • patapplepatapple Member Posts: 873
    As soon as mountain will get out, i will buy it but i will wait some hours before install it to see if there are problems with GS and other importants apps. :)
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    If you are in the middle of a project I would not recommend updating.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    @Bacon. Hey long time no speak! Yeah I won't as I'm almost done a big game for a client...it's tempting though! I was hoping to get some feedback though from anyone using the latest build and using GS.

    @patapple - Good idea! lol.
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
  • deadlightsdeadlights Member, PRO Posts: 235
    I agree with FBS, as tempting as it is to upgrade immediately, better to make sure GS works out any kinks related to Mountain Lion.
  • ellfireellfire Member Posts: 187
    I've been using ML for awhile now with GS with no major issues...except for one. ML will not run Xcode 4.33, so you must use the developer preview of 4.5. It appears that GS will not publish with this new version of Xcode stating that it can't find the iPhone SDK. I assume that GS is aware of this and will have it all ironed out by the time ML launches next month. Right @SaladStraightShooter?
  • deadlightsdeadlights Member, PRO Posts: 235
    Yikes, OK that is a good reason not to upgrade right now :D
  • Holderness_Media_IncHolderness_Media_Inc Member Posts: 118
    edited June 2012
    I've been using ML for awhile now with GS with no major issues...except for one. ML will not run Xcode 4.33, so you must use the developer preview of 4.5. It appears that GS will not publish with this new version of Xcode stating that it can't find the iPhone SDK. I assume that GS is aware of this and will have it all ironed out by the time ML launches next month. Right @SaladStraightShooter?
    I don't have any issues publishing out of 0.9.94 and I'm running the latest Mountain Lion Preview that was released yesterday, and the latest Xcode 4.4 DP 6.

    It sounds like you're having an issue with Xcode, not GS.
  • TouchTiltGamesTouchTiltGames Member Posts: 1,162
    @Bacon - Yeah since release 4 months ago, TD makes ~$1200 a month or $35/day avg. I have noticed a spike though since last weekend with Apple's new 'Chomp' integrated search algorithms.

    @Rest - Thanks for the 411...Seeing how the release is within weeks away of release, I think I'll hold off!
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    @touchtiltgames that's great. Yeah I have been waiting to see how Apple integrated them once they bought them. Hope it helps searching apps.
  • tothemax98tothemax98 Member Posts: 19
    I had to upgrade from snow leopard to mountain lion so I could use newer xcode to test on new iphone os. Now when i try to save a gamesalad project it corrupts. All images disappear and the sounds corrupt and will crash gamesalad if you try to play them. I can still open old gamesalad files just fine but for some reason cannot save without corruption.
  • sunifyresunifyre Member Posts: 9
    I'm running Mac OS x Server Lion and GS has a weird bug that won't let you publish: it repeatedly asks you to login into GS Creator even if you are logged in and simply won't upload the game.

    Any fix for this issue?
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