Logo design needed - question first

SteverdSteverd Member Posts: 194
I need a logo soon and really like Field305 posting and all of the response to it.
So I want to copy his idea. Since I have a limited budget how much do you think
should be offered to get good interest? $40, $50 $75? Maybe $50 for first pick and then $25 for second?

Any other thoughts on how to do this right?
Thank you,


  • SteverdSteverd Member Posts: 194
    So are you saying this is a bad idea?
    Or are you trying to say something else?
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    Good link, pilot... +1
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012
    $50 is not a lot of money for design work, certainly not good design work, and the fact that designers need to first complete the work before even knowing if they've got the job is not nice.

    These things are often presented as a 'competition' when in reality it's a free pitching exercise, lot's of people designing logos, the majority of which will nessecerally be unpaid futile efforts.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    Also . . . Good link, pilot... +1
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    edited February 2012
    +1 on speculative work and competitions. Educate yourself a little on design and really breakdown what it is your after. A professional designer will be really thinking about an awful lot of factors for a logo, and it is hard job to get right. If you know what it is you really require then even in a very rough form you might be able to draw up a very good outline design. For someone to take this on to a successful finished design might avoid them doing a lot of ground work, and be a little more realistic (a little...) in terms of what you can afford.


    Or try doing yourself. Getting creative does not have to be difficult and can be a lot of fun. Even if you can't draw well your ideas might just really work. Aim for delight and have fun with it. It is far more likely to appeal to others.

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    I smell the beginings of rebellion and I love it.
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    @FryingBaconStudios .... I had hoped a Sous might have stepped in a some point but I sense a lot of your posts lately are divisive. This person asked politely and other seasoned community members answered very helpfully .. the prior history of requesting free stuff should not immediately be heaped on the next person who posts ... no rebellion required ....
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    As Billy Joel so famously sang I didn't start the fire. You don't seem to understand this was already happening so to blame me is insane and just to prove it to you, I'm going to stop posting. Then find someone else to blame..lol
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    @FryingBaconStudios .. wasn't looking to blame anyone ... seeing how your other post has been deleted in another thread it would seem I'm not the only one who found your recent posts troubling. Better I would have thought to be a man and step up and say 'hey I got carried away, I was wrong' than to 'take your ball and run' but its your call. I'm not insane, thanks for the passing insult btw.
  • SteverdSteverd Member Posts: 194
    edited February 2012
    I decided to use either 99 Design, Crowdspring or Designspring, a little more friendly there. Not so many haters on the idea. Also raising the budget to $200-300.

  • SteverdSteverd Member Posts: 194
    OK, this job is now listed on 99Design for $300.
    I can report back how it goes if anyone cares.
  • outsidethebyteoutsidethebyte Member Posts: 115
    @Steverd I think the point people were trying to make and that my link was supporting is the idea that spec work is bad for the design industry. I don't support it and I think many people around here don't support it. Some of us are employed by the design/development industry (freelance and professional alike), and spec(contest) work damages that market. I suggest you seek out an experienced freelancer, and quit supporting a type of contest that entices designers to "work free of charge and with an often falsely advertised, overinflated promise for future employment; or is given other insufficient forms of compensation."
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    I can't agree more, this culture of free pitching (which is rapidly becoming the norm) is very damaging, I work in music (TV / film) and it's the same deal, you are asked to write and record and produce a piece of music on spec, the process can often go on for weeks, all at your own cost, with regular comments and changes from the agency along with the expectation that you are on call pretty much 24 hours a day during this process, weekends too, and at very short notice (I was recently called at 5:30am out of the blue to have a change ready for a preproduction meeting at 7:30am) . . . . and at the end of the process they can simply have a listen to your final piece against their final edit and casually decide . . . "Nah . . ! doesn't really work for me" . . . . and the work goes to some other piece of music . . . and that's it, game over, onto the next job.

    To be honest it's !@#$%, everyone I know who works in music/sound design thinks it's !@#$%, I used to work in design (I did my degree in graphic design) and over the last few years it's become endemic there too (as you probably well know), and my friends who work in design think its !@#$% too, no one likes it, people want to do a decent job and get paid a decent fee.

    I'm am sure Steverd only meant well (he's already a cut above those wanting the product of other people' labour for nothing) and he's hardly the root of the creative industries' woes, but I also see nothing wrong with voicing a more general concern in this context, spec / contest work damages the market.

    I laughed when I read your "overinflated promise for future employment" - that's every single "hey, we haven't got much money on this one" job I have ever done.


    "haters" + "I can report back how it goes if anyone cares" (etc etc, usual online stuff)

    My comments above are not aimed at you per sa, they are comments made in regard to general trend in the creative industries, where some of us make money that feeds our children, in years to come you may find that your time and effort and investment in app development is similarly sidelined by a culture that demands you produce your work, to completion, at your own cost, only to be rejected on the whim of an increasingly powerful client base.

    Best of luck at 99Design, they do some really nice stuff there, and $300 is not a terrible price for what you want, it's good to see a realistic investment, I also hope the career you've chosen doesn't take the inexorable slide into panhandling that a lot of the creative industry seems headed towards, and if it does, I hope you don't, in years to come, chance across a younger version of yourself who brands you a 'hater' for voicing your concerns.
  • SteverdSteverd Member Posts: 194
    Thank you everyone for your comments.

    It made me realize I should put more $$$ into this project.
    Spec work is absolutely PERFECT for this logo.

    I had ZERO idea of how I want my logo, I could not relay my idea to a designer
    and still feel 100% that the brains of 12 or 20 designers is much better than
    hoping one designer can come up with something I like.

    BTW I do have a graphic artist that I use for my other work. But as said above
    I didn't want to limit the logo to just one person's ideas.

    I know people here 'HATE' spec work, but someone on 99Design will get the $300.
    I imagine some great designers here could put something together pretty fast without
    too much investment in your time.

  • SteverdSteverd Member Posts: 194
    Wait - you guys have seen this right?

    I didn't see one negative post on that thread!!
    And now I am offering $300.00.
    If you want the link let me know.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    "Spec work is absolutely PERFECT for this logo. . . . . the brains of 12 or 20 designers is much better than [1]"

    I think that's issue with spec work, the client is always more than happy with this kind of arrangement because it serves them perfectly, they get 20 people working for them for the price of one, but the 19 people who put the time in, do the work (only to see their work dragged into the bin without any payment whatsoever) have children to feed, mortgages / rent to pay and so on.

    There was a time when things worked like this, you agreed a fee, you did the work and you then got paid, this is how it still works in just about every other sector from car repair to architecture, from plumbing to hairdressing, from driving lessons to restaurants.

    Imagine that, rather than pay the going rate for a meal in a restaurant, a diner has 20 chefs prepare 20 meals for him (the chefs paying for the ingredients themselves), one after another they bring their creation to the diner's table and place it in front of him, he samples a little of each dish, some dishes he doesn't particularly like the look of don't even get tasted as he's not supplied the chefs with any clues of what he likes ("I had ZERO idea of how I want my meal") - and then on little more than a whim has 19 of the meals thrown into the bin - and the chefs are sent away.

    When a couple of the chefs voice the idea that this is a less than ideal arrangement, the diner - looking a little confused - exclaims: "but I don't get it, this is a PERFECT way for me to dine out, I get the 12 or 20 chefs to cook for me, for the price of one, what's the problem with this arrangement, I just can't see was the issue is ?".

    The chefs try and explain the situation from their point of view, how 19 of them will not be paid for their work, the diner still confused as to why this is not a perfect arrangement for everyone calls them 'haters' and storms off to another restaurant (not that this stops him from returning an hour later to taunt the chefs through the window by telling them how much money he spent at the 2nd restaurant). =)) (names have been changed to protect the innocent).

    And that's the reality of this seemingly 'perfect' arrangement (perfect for who?) on average a designer will be paid for 1 out of 20 jobs he does, it used to be that a designer would be paid for all the work he did (crazy, I know), but that was before this new 'perfect' arrangement was the norm.

    A quick question for you, are you planning to get paid for your app development work, by that I mean are you planning to sell your apps ?
  • ultimaultima Member, PRO Posts: 1,207
    edited February 2012
    just like you do not rely on a doctor to give you a prescription so you write up one for yourself... you haven't seen what a real doctor can do because you've been paying voodoo doctor price.

    and i'm sure 12-20 voodoo doctor can just whip up the medicine you need.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    "Wait - you guys have seen this right?

    I didn't see one negative post on that thread!!

    You asked: "any other thoughts on how to do this right?" - . . . . . you received people's thoughts, people's honest opinions on the subject as well as some great advice from old_kipper (which you didn't bother to thank him for) - about the worst post was probably my own which described spec work as "not nice", in fact I'd say the first really negative post was from yourself describing people here as 'haters'.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    Lol ! Go on sunshine, Simo's gone now, you're safe. ;)
  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922
    @tynan I'm in witness protection and can't comment for fear of revealing my current location.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599

    "I'm in witness protection and can't comment for fear of revealing my current location."

    The moustache and dyed hair works, but I think the dress is a step to far.
  • simo103simo103 Member, PRO Posts: 1,331
    edited February 2012
    @Tynan and @FryingBaconStudios .... I'mmmmm baaaaack! ..... seriously tho ... I thought you 'PROS' had a Sykpe network thing going on where you could play your belittling little games ... man I long for the old days when GS didn't have all these young kiddies .. oh that's right ....
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    "I long for the old days when GS didn't have all these young kiddies"

    I don't doubt that.
  • SteverdSteverd Member Posts: 194
    Guys - I do appreciate ALL of your comments above - thank you!!

    Update: After 24 hours I know have 18 Entries with 25 watchers.
    I am already happy with the results and have now marked the $300 as Guaranteed.
  • clintdeveloperclintdeveloper Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2012
    Oh boy!! my favorite subject!! Free spec work! I have used that link for allot of cheep-ass clients. I thought Tynan said it very well! Then you still come back here and throw it in our faces. Im just sooooooo thrilled that it's working out for you there! 99Designs is a bane on the creative industry, it milks young talent, and naive freelances into believing that they are getting noticed! Instead, they are just destroying any chance they have of becoming a professional business in the long run. And the only ones scoring are 99Designs, laughing all the way to the bank because they cannot believe how easy it is to make money off creatives who want to work for free!! I strongly advise friends starting out in the design business to stay off 99Designs!!!

    Steverd, If you had come to one of us with $300 for your logo, we could have worked with you to produce exactly what you wanted! Instead you chose to get 17 poor saps to work for $0, and only give the money to one. I really don't think you get what everyone has been saying here! and that's just the problem with all of this.

    As for that other post and no one ragging on him, I most certainly did! But I think my comment flew over most peoples heads! Including yours.

    I really think these competition designs should be taken off the GS forums!

  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    99Designs is a bane on the creative industry, it milks young talent, and naive freelances into believing that they are getting noticed! Instead, they are just destroying any chance they have of becoming a professional business in the long run"

    Agreed, they think they are building a great portfolio for their future entrance into the 'pro' world of design, but what the are really doing is helping to change the culture of how the design industry works, when a lot of this young talent reaches the stage where they want to consider design as a full time career, rather than a hobby or as a way of earning a bit of extra money to get them through college - they will find that no one wants to hire a designer on a decent wage when you can get 10 or even 20 people all working on the same $70 logo, all working with no guarantees of being paid, you really can't compete with that.
  • SteverdSteverd Member Posts: 194
    @clintdeveloper, I haven't thrown anything into your face, and I certainly did not make you read any of these post.

    I now have over 100 designs to pick from, there's no way I could have gotten that much help here.
    It just would have been more people yelling that it was spec work and we are "ALL" against it.

    From my stand point it has been an AMAZING experience at 99designs and the ONLY negative thing about it all has come from people here at GameSalad forums.
  • CloudsClouds Member Posts: 1,599
    edited February 2012

    Are you planning to get paid for the apps you produce now or in the future ?
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