@beefy_clyro I like your site @rks very well... I personally don't care about speed unless its dreadfully slow, I care about the look and if its slow then the speed, If you have a crap site but its incredibly fast its not gonna help you in anyway... @rob2 Yeah that sites pretty cool...
@applaudmobile Is yours a theme? Or is it custom CSS?? I really like it.. Oh and by the way.. To make a quote type this.. (I have code breakers around the text stopping it from working btw)
I like your site
very well... I personally don't care about speed unless its dreadfully slow, I care about the look and if its slow then the speed, If you have a crap site but its incredibly fast its not gonna help you in anyway...
@rob2 Yeah that sites pretty cool...
Is yours a theme? Or is it custom CSS?? I really like it..
Oh and by the way.. To make a quote type this..
Thanks for the blockquote help, couldn't see how to do that!
Very welcome! And thanks for the info!
Did the template cost or was it free?