Zeus Ball - for iPad (waiting on review with Apple)

tieloretielore Member Posts: 30
edited February 2012 in Announce Your Game!
Hey guys, here's my first GS game to be released. Tell me what you think of the screen shots and video demo. It's iPad only at this point, and is currently in review status at Apple. Additional details can be found at http://icoolgeeks.com


The Story:
Medusa is wreaking havoc on the country side by turning innocents into stone. With a lack of heroes in the land, Zeus has trusted you to save the day. Your only weapon is the mighty Zeus Ball.

The Game Play:
You must get the statue of the Princess to the pedestal. Use simple TAP controls to direct the flight of the Zeus Ball and destroy the blocks keeping the Princess from reaching the pedestal.

Sample Video:

Some Marketing Images and Screen Shots:

So let me know what you think. Thanks for any input.


  • tieloretielore Member Posts: 30
    Also... for any GS brothers who wanna help a guy out, I've got a thread posted over at Touch Arcade for Zeus Ball under their upcoming iPad games section. If any of you head over there and post on that thread to liven up the hype on the game it would be appreciated. Here's a link to the thread: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=122367

    Thanks again for any input, comments, or help in getting Zeus Ball noticed out there.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    Honestly, good looking graphics and a good idea, but I think the level design is kinda strange. It seems to me like players will just be tossing that ball around in frustration because there is no clear way to meet the objective in some of those levels. Of course you can see the objective and know how to beat it because you made it, but I can see some people getting frustrated with it and giving up.

    But I would say bravo for doing such a good job on your first app. I would definitely say one of the best first apps I have seen compared to some of the things people throw together with GS.
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    I think it looks cool! Might take a little learning curve as @Player_E points out. However I think it's groovy :D

    I would suggest a game track to suit the Greek Gods or something however.
  • zombieaddictzombieaddict Member Posts: 213
    i dont normally like physic based puzzle games but this one looks fun. i like the greek mythology theme. nice graphics too.
  • GraphicWarehouseGraphicWarehouse Member Posts: 927
    this game looks awesome, probably the first gs made game i will buy :)
  • LeonardDeveloperLeonardDeveloper Member Posts: 4,630
    Looks good! :0
    @mjmdesign Thats dissapointing :P Your first!
  • GraphicWarehouseGraphicWarehouse Member Posts: 927
    im very careful with my money and I love greek mythology and puzzle physics is my favorite type of game
  • tieloretielore Member Posts: 30
    @ozboybrian. "I would suggest a game track to suit the Greek Gods or something however"
    -- the game has a much different soundtrack to it. The music I used for the video is just some jazzy rock n roll loops from garage band. I didn't feel like the actual game music went well with the sped up video of all the levels mashed together. Plus I think after listening to the actual game track a few thousand times durring testing I just wanted something else for the vid. ;)
  • LiquidGameworksLiquidGameworks Anchorage, AKMember, Sous Chef Posts: 956
    @tielore Looks like a very interesting game, but I think you may be doing yourself a disservice with your promotional video. The images you showed us look very professional, and I could believe it was from a publishing house. However, the video is obviously iMovie, with an inappropriate music track. The movie transitions where there is text give it away. Instead of using the Apple "light sweep" effect and "grunge" background, either use plain black or use an image from in game. I made my Monstrous vid with iMovie, but I took pains to make sure I didn't use any obvious iMovie effects. For a neat looking game, with good graphics, I think fixing your vid would give you the best chance of success. With that, good luck with sales!
  • EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
    Looks great and very polished. Are you doing your own art?

    Follow Eating My Hat on Facebook and the Blog
    Check out my templates in the GS Marketplace or at the store
  • DeadlySeriousMediaDeadlySeriousMedia ArizonaMember Posts: 838
    Very nice! I love it!
  • tieloretielore Member Posts: 30
    Thanks all for the positive comments.
    @EatingMyHat - I hired an artist to do probably 95% of the artwork, and I fumbled my way through what was left over that needed doing.
    @LiquidGameworks - Interesting thoughts... I myself am new to iMovie, so I thought those text affects were really cool. It didn't occur to me that people would recognize it as iMovie and think less of it due to that.
  • tieloretielore Member Posts: 30
    So, Zeus Ball (iPad) just got approved by apple. But weird thing is: I've got the release date set for tomorrow, and for some reason you can still get to it via iTunes. Shouldn't it NOT show up until tomorrow? It's been about a year since I submitted a new app to apple, and everything's changed in that time, but I still would think that it wouldn't be available until my release date. What's up?
  • zombieaddictzombieaddict Member Posts: 213
    where are you located? New zealand is a day ahead of the US so it gets releases first. in 7 hours it'll be the 17th in NZ
  • tieloretielore Member Posts: 30
    in the USA Mountain Standard Time.
  • tieloretielore Member Posts: 30
    I was shooting for a Thursday release because the guy who did "Trainyard" said it heard it was the best day to release on (not sure why though).
    Weird that it would show up early in the AppStore... So, I'm gonna go ahead and change my release date to today the 15th just to be safe and not miss out on being on the New list.
  • zombieaddictzombieaddict Member Posts: 213
    if you said the 16th for release day that was bout 17 hours ago. will pick up ur game sumtime to try it out
  • tieloretielore Member Posts: 30
    The game is FREE and includes the first 20 levels with iAD to purchase the remaining 40+ levels.
    Here's the iTunes link: ZEUS BALL
    If you have an iPad, download it, give it a play, and try to leave me a favorable review if at all possible.
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