Random spawn actor issue
Member Posts: 314
Hi there.! Thanks in advance ! I follow the tutorial of create random spawn actor by tshirtbooth but when I put the actor in the scene it won't start spawning, why? I check everything
did you copy/paste the expressions? … it is better to select the expressions …
to copy/paste both the expressionEditor for the one you are copying and the expressionEditor for the one you are pasting-in, must be open to do so.
@};- MH
I check if all the expression is the same, it is...
does it spawn one time? or not?
@};- MH
if you are in iPhone platform, they maybe spawning off-screen …
also have a textDisplay actor that displays the random number …
@};- MH
how can i control how much the spawn actor show off ? let say...i only want 10 coin to fall only not continuing falling automatically..
gameAttribute Index Type name coinsSpawned … leave it 0
Rule: when
Attribute: game.coinsSpawned < 10
----do spawn
----changeAttribute: game.coinsSpawned To: game.coinsSpawned+1
if the coin is destroyed … then just before the Destroy behavior
--changeAttribute: game.coinsSpawned To: game.coinsSpawned-1
@};- MH
asking for help, is not "bothering" on this forum!
@};- MH
you might try this …
-add a scene named PauseScene
-put Start button there … with behavior Unpause Game
in the playScene
-have a controlActor (>Graphics:Visible unchecked) with the Pause Game behavior
that way your playScene will show … but nothing will be active until player taps Start
@};- MH
btw do you know why when the actor spawn fell in the floor the actor somehow follow my main character when he (main character) walk forward...????